Moore, Duffy outline views on Export-Import Bank debate

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  By Nicole Duran  MOORE, DUFFY OUTLINE VIEWS ON EXPORT-IMPORT BANK DEBATE  The latest bane of Tea Party-leaning Republicans is the Export-Import Bank, which helps U.S. companies finance exports.  They want to shutter the 80-year-old bank, whose congressional charter expires Sept. 30, saying it's a waste of taxpayer money that picks winners and…

Unemployment Insurance Gets a Soap Box Hearing

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  By Reilly Dowd   It is the unemployment version of the national debt clock. On this “Witness Wednesday,” the number ticked up to 3,095,023 long-term unemployed Americans during an event Republicans consider a publicity stunt but Democrats see as central to their midterm message. The rising tally is of the number of those cut off from emergency…

Witness Wednesdays Advocates Stand in Solidarity with 3 Million Unemployed Americans Struggling to Find Jobs

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  WASHINGTON, June 11 -- The Center for Effective Government (formerly OMB Watch) issued the following news release: Starting today and running until July 30, leaders and advocates from a wide range of backgrounds will gather weekly on the House Triangle in Washington, DC at 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time for "Witness Wednesdays." There, they will read the stories of…

High-Quality Liquid Assets Should Include Muni Bonds, Lawmakers Say

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   By Rob Tricchinelli   A pair of Democratic lawmakers May 28 asked federal regulators to reconsider their proposed rule keeping municipal bonds from being considered “high-quality liquid assets” as part of a larger capital standards rule regime. “The municipal securities market includes numerous securities that share the key…

Invest in our future; support the Ex-Im Bank

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  By Congresswoman Gwen Moore  The American middle class is not feeling the economic recovery. Income inequality between the lowest and highest earners continues to increase. Millions of struggling Americans remain unemployed. Congress needs to act to promote economic growth. Instead, House Republicans seem focused on callously worsening the lives of Americans if it…

Gwen Moore cautiously optimistic about meeting with Paul Ryan

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  By Jack Craver After sparking a flurry of controversy in March with remarks that suggested that poverty in America’s inner-cities was due in part to people who lacked an appreciation for work, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Janesville, has made a point of conveying interest and compassion for the country’s poor, particularly in minority communities. As part of…

On Trial: Lyndon Johnsons Anti-Poverty Program

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  By Pema Levy  Should we keep anti-poverty programs? Or should we cut them? That was the underlying question at a contentious event Wednesday that pitted Republicans’ belief that the government’s effort to help the poor are hurting them against Democrats defending the worth of federal anti-poverty programs. Representative Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin,…

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