Gwen Moore Supports Bill to Enhance Job Training Efforts

Today this •Do-Nothing Congress' has done something to bring jobs to the people we represent. In a rare bipartisan moment, we chose to create significant changes to the way we connect our constituents to the skills they need to thrive.
Staci Cox
(202) 225- 4572
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released the following statement after the House of Representatives passed H.R. 803, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, by a near unanimous vote: 
“I am so proud to join my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and U.S. Capitol to pass the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. This bipartisan House-Senate bill reforms our federal workforce development programs to better serve our business needs. This legislation streamlines services, strengthens program evaluation, helps states address local needs and works to connect workers with the skills they need to gain employment. Among other important provisions, the bill improves job training for people living with disabilities and works to assist our youth and adult learners. 
“Today this ‘Do-Nothing Congress’ has done something to bring jobs to the people we represent. In a rare bipartisan moment, we chose to create significant changes to the way we connect our constituents to the skills they need to thrive. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act is a strong step towards expanding economic success to all Americans. I am excited for the job opportunities and innovation this bill will help foster, both in the Milwaukee area and in Wisconsin. 
“This jobs bill is an example of what can occur when we work together and place our people above our political affiliation. Meaningful action is what our constituents expect and deserve from their Members of Congress. I urge my colleagues to follow today’s example and continue to focus on the needs of the American people.”
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