By Vicki NeedhamFour House Democrats on Monday urged the Obama administration to ensure that a pending Asia-Pacific trade deal includes strong capital controls that would help minimize the damaging effects of financial crises.The lawmakers want the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to give governments more flexibility to protect the stability of their financial systems by stemming the flow… Read more »
I suggest instead of wasting Wisconsin taxpayer dollars on this frivolous lawsuit, the money could be better spent trying to figure out how to help restore food assistance to the seniors in Wisconsin who saw they Food Share payments significantly cut by the 2014 farm bill. Read more »
Every student – regardless of their race, upbringing, or socioeconomic background – deserves access to the kind of top-quality education that can propel them to become the next generation of American innovators and leaders. Unfortunately, H.R. 5 falls short of that obligation. Read more »
I support President Obama and share his vision for enhanced economic growth and greater access to global markets, but I categorically disagree with my Republican colleagues regarding how we can achieve such goals. We must find a better way to support American jobs and secure our collective financial future without compromising our country's critical labor, safety, and environmental standards. Read more »
By Dylan MatthewsNowadays, many left-of-center policy types have been wondering whether we should increase Social Security. Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich makes the case — in cartoon form — in the video above. You can read a transcript here. The basic issue here is that many Americans aren't saving enough for retirement. Optimistic assessments say that nearly… Read more »
Most Americans tend to think of human trafficking as a foreign issue, as if our country were somehow immune to such horrific darkness. Unfortunately, these atrocities are taking place in our own backyards at alarming rates, and they're happening to the most vulnerable among us. Needless to say, we cannot stand idly by while women and children are traded and sold like modern-day slaves. Victims of such abhorrent practices need allies in their corner, and I take pride in knowing Congress has finally decided to get into the fight. Read more »
By Rebecca ShabadRep. Grace Meng (D-N.Y.) is introducing legislation that would assist small businesses that sell their products abroad. The measure would instruct the Export-Import Bank to increase the amount of financing it provides to small business from 20 to 25 percent. “It would help create jobs, stimulate our economy and allow businesses to better compete in… Read more »
By Kevin CirilliHouse Democrats are looking to force a vote on reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank.House Democratic leadership filed a discharge petition Thursday in an effort to compel a vote on the 80-year-old bank before its charter expires on June 30. For the maneuver to succeed, 218 House members must support it. The effort is led by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi… Read more »
By Rachel BadeThe House on Thursday passed a final budget deal, bringing Republicans one step closer to enacting a spending blueprint that sets the stage for this summer’s spending bills.The chamber passed the framework, 226-197. It would balance the budget in 10 years without raising taxes, and pave the way for sending an Obamacare repeal to the president’s desk. The… Read more »
The deep fractures within the Republican Party have not only left them feckless in their ability to govern, but have also led them to go against their own policies. Today's rush by House Republicans to push this flawed budget conference report agreement to a vote violates their own three day rule, which stipulates that a bill must be public for three days before it can be voted on. More importantly, such dysfunction has made it harder for those battling poverty to provide for their loved ones, compromised the health coverage of everyday Americans, and hampered our capacity to innovate and grow our economy. Read more »