Moore looks forward to congressional debate on Syria

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  By Don Walker   U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) said in a statement that she was pleased President Barack Obama had decided to seek congressional authorization for mmilitary action in Syria. "The atrocious acts President Assad has committed against his people are a direct violation of human rights and a threat to our international peace. I am pleased…

Moore and Johnson say let the people decide

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 By Michele Fiore MADISON -  President Obama's push to hold a military strike against Syria has lawmakers talking ahead of the debate they'll hold in Congress.  Following Obama's speech to the nation Saturday afternoon, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, a Republican, said he was pleased that Obama was not making the decision alone.  Senator Johnson…

Morning briefing: Wealthy Wisconsin lawmakers, Scott Walker in Alabama

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  Take a look at the stories from around our area and world that are making news today. Wisconsin's elected representatives become social media savvy: Donovan Slack of the Gannett Washington Bureau writes: "Would you watch a video of Rep. Tom Petri driving a pedicab? How about Rep. Sean Duffy eating beef jerky? Or maybe Rep. Gwen Moore refuting assertions by…

On Capitol Hill and on social networks, clout is a different beast

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   By Donovan Slack WASHINGTON — Would you watch a video of Rep. Tom Petri driving a pedicab? How about Rep. Sean Duffy eating beef jerky? Or maybe Rep. Gwen Moore refuting assertions by Stephen Colbert that she got her congressional seat through affirmative action? Thousands of people actually did. As more and more people are logging on to Twitter, Facebook…

Social Security Turns 78 Today! Will It Make It To 80?

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Tags: Seniors

  By Terry O'Neill Seventy-eight years ago today, on August 14 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the bill that created Social Security into law. And yet, some in Washington are still obsessed with undermining this essential foundation of retirement security in America. They want to tear up legislation that has been passed by both houses of Congress and…

Raise the floor on wages

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  By Laura Dresser Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) recently stood up with and for low-wage workers, supporting an increase in the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per hour. No one should be surprised that she got scolded for it on these pages by the leader of the MacIver Institute, "free market voice for Wisconsin." But we can hope that Moore continues to pay…

Federal Bill Introduced to Protect LGBT Youth at Homeless Shelters

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Tags: LGBT

  Representatives Mark Pocan (D-WI) and Gwen Moore (D-WI) have introduced legislation in Congress to protect homeless LGBT youth from discrimination. The bill seeks to include LGBT protections within the Reconnecting Homeless Youth Act, which is up for reauthorization this year. Pocan, one of the only openly gay members of the House of Representatives, spoke to the…

WISCONSIN NEWS ROUNDUP: Service held Sunday to mark one-year Oak Creek Sikh shooting

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  By Jason Schulte A Sikh Temple leader in Oak Creek said lots of people were hurt by the shooting massacre at the temple a year ago today. Still, Pardeep Kaleka said a million good things came from it. Hundreds of people jammed the Oak Creek temple yesterday for an anniversary service. Flags, pictures, and roses reminded people of the six worshippers killed by gunman Wade…

Gov. Scott Walker, Rep. Gwen Moore reflect on communitys resilience

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  By Kevin Crowe Hundreds of people packed the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin in Oak Creek Sunday to remember the victims of the shooting there one year ago that took six lives. And while the reminders of the horror of that day were everywhere — in the six flags bearing the victims' names and faces in front of the temple, in their framed pictures in the entryway…

This Week in Poverty: Chairman Ryan and the Real World

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 By Greg Kaufmann Yesterday, at a House Budget Committee hearing entitled “War on Poverty: A Progress Report,” Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee used her allotted time to try to discredit the sole Democratic witness, Sister Simone Campbell. Sister Simone is the executive director of NETWORK, a national Catholic social justice lobby, but she is…

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