WISCONSIN NEWS ROUNDUP: Service held Sunday to mark one-year Oak Creek Sikh shooting

By Jason Schulte
A Sikh Temple leader in Oak Creek said lots of people were hurt by the shooting massacre at the temple a year ago today. Still, Pardeep Kaleka said a million good things came from it. Hundreds of people jammed the Oak Creek temple yesterday for an anniversary service. Flags, pictures, and roses reminded people of the six worshippers killed by gunman Wade Michael Page before he shot himself to death. Kaleka’s father – the temple’s president – died while trying to stop Page in his tracks. Kaleka said the tragedy spurred a “bigger calling” in the temple’s young members. He said quote, “I think they have a personal vendetta for peace.” Sikhs from throughout North America and India attended yesterday’s anniversary service. Governor Scott Walker and Congresswoman Gwen Moore joined them. Walker said he admired the Sikh community’s strength and concern for others – and those traits showed at a vigil soon after the shootings, where people showed love instead of hatred. Over 11-hundred people took part in a fund-raising run for the Sikh Temple on Saturday. Tonight, the anniversary observance ends with a meditation at six and a candlelight vigil at eight, both at the Oak Creek temple.
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