Congressman Asks Colleagues to Defend Black Unborn Babies. Then They Hit Back

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by Kayla BrandonWhen a Wisconsin congressman took the House floor last week to talk about abortion, he also brought up another sensitive subject — race. U.S. Rep. Sean Duffy (R) addressed his ‘liberal friends’ and members of the Congressional Black Caucus to defend the lives of unborn African American babies:“…talk about fighting for the defenseless,…

GOP Congressman Wonders If Congressional Black Caucus Cares About All Black Lives

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by Julia CravenRep. Sean Duffy (R-Wis.) says he's heard a lot about how the criminal justice system and other institutions treat African-Americans from the Congressional Black Caucus. But on Thursday, he wondered aloud on the House floor why the CBC wasn't more vocal about “how their communities are targeted in abortion.” “Here are some stunning facts.…

One Day After Obama Announced New Gun Reforms, Scott Walker Threatens Lawsuit

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by Alice Ollstein Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker waited just one day after President Obama announced a package of modest gun control reforms before directing his attorney general to explore challenging the new rule — becoming the first governor to threaten legal action over the regulations. Accusing President Obama of “disregarding the constitutional principles of…

Gwen Moore, state lawmakers call for action on Lincoln Hills

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by Jason SteinDemocratic officials at the state and federal level are calling for action on a Northwoods prison that is under investigation for alleged abuses of its juvenile prisoners.U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore of Milwaukee sent a letter to Federal Bureau of Investigation director James Comey on Wednesday asking that her office be briefed on the investigation being conducted by state…

Business groups target financial adviser rule

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by Peter SchroederThe financial industry is eyeing a must-pass government funding bill as a way to stymie administration efforts to impose contentious new rules on the sector.As lawmakers work to craft an omnibus funding bill before a Dec. 11 deadline, the industry is pushing to include an amendment that could halt, or at least slow down, a reviled rule imposing a “fiduciary…

House of Representatives votes to toughen refugee screening

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by Craig GilbertThe House voted by a large margin Thursday to increase screening of Syrian and Iraqi refugees before they enter the U.S., a step prompted by last week's terrorist attacks in Paris."If our law enforcement and intelligence community cannot verify that each and every person coming here is not a security threat, then they shouldn't be allowed in," Speaker…

Thats what she said: Top Tweets from women in politics this week (11/9)

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by Andrea BeasleyThis week, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was sworn in, and had a #winning moment when he pushed gender equality in the right direction, and Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-WI) seems to agree. Moore gave Trudeau kudos for his move to elect a gender-equal cabinet. GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina outlined what it means to be a feminist…

House Democrats urge opposition of Export-Import Bank amendments to highway bill

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by Vicki NeedhamFour top House Democrats are urging their colleagues to oppose any amendments to a highway bill that would damage efforts to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank.House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (Md.), House Financial Services Committee Ranking Member Maxine Waters (Calif.) and Reps. Gwen Moore (Wis.) and Denny Heck (Wash.) sent a letter to the House Democratic Caucus on…

Gwen Moore introduces gun store bill in wake of Badger Guns verdict

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by John DiedrichIn the wake of a jury verdict against Badger Guns, U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore is introducing a bill intended to increase oversight of gun stores that have sold guns connected to crime.The Gun Dealer Accountability Act would allow an increase in gun store inspections, require dealers to conduct an annual inventory and give regulators more power to investigate so-called sham…

CBC Message To America: Rep. Gwen Moore Says We Cant Support Politicians Who Promote Voter Suppression Tactics

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by Kenon White Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-WI) delivers this week’s CBC Message To America focusing on voting rights and discriminatory voter laws impeding minorities’ access to the ballot. Rep. Moore began her address by naming states in the country that are “making it harder” for Americans to vote. She said…

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