Congresswoman Gwen Moore Re-Introduces the Social Security Enhancement and Protection Act

Congresswoman Gwen Moore Re-Introduces the Social Security Enhancement and Protection Act

Today, Congresswoman Moore reintroduced the Social Security Enhancement and Protection Act, which would make key reforms to strengthen and improve the program benefits so that Social Security does what it was intended to do: protect vulnerable Americans from living in poverty. Congresswoman Moore released the following statement:

“Amid Republican calls to make extreme reforms to our Social Security program – with proposals to cut benefits, subject them to annual discretionary spending reviews, or privatize the program – now more than ever, we need my legislation to strengthen Social Security.

I want to commemorate this historic program by reintroducing my bill, the Social Security Enhancement and Protection Act. In the 83 years since Social Security checks have reached Americans’ mailboxes, these benefits have lifted millions out of poverty and allowed seniors to retire and age in dignity.

We must do more to strengthen this crucial program so many rely on to retire and age in dignity. We need to take steps to both improve the fiscal outlook for Social Security and to improve the program so that it works better for vulnerable Americans, including women, people of color, and low-income people.

One important benefit enhancement I’m especially proud of is my proposal to improve the program’s special minimum benefit to better support low-income workers including by recognizing that providing care for a child is work. My bill would allow the years in which a parent provides care for a young child to count as a year of coverage for determining an individual’s Social Security benefits.

My bill would also reinstate benefits for students up to age 26 who are children of retired, deceased, or disabled workers, Given the higher lifetime earning rates for workers holding degrees above a high school level, we need to continue to find ways to encourage young adults to pursue higher education and support them.

And my proposal would provide additional security by increasing benefits for all beneficiaries 20 years after retirement, providing economic stability for our eldest seniors. My legislation would eliminate the cap on Social Security payroll contributions, allowing us to generate substantial additional revenue for the Social Security system while at the same time enhancing benefits for those who need them the most. This bill builds on the promise of Social Security with equity-centered improvements, which will help meet the needs of our citizens.”

"Social Security Works enthusiastically endorses the Social Security Enhancement and Protection Act. This legislation will increase the economic security of every working family. It is an all-generation plan. We applaud Congresswoman Moore for fighting to protect and expand Social Security's earned benefits.  Not only is she the author of this important bill, she is an invaluable champion of our Social Security every single day,” said Nancy Altman, President of Social Security Works.

Endorsing organizations: Social Security Works, National Women’s Law Center, National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare, Strengthen Social Security Coalition, Economic Policy Institute, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Alliance for Retired Americans, Global Policy Solutions, Generations United, California Alliance for Retired Americans (CARA), and Campaign for America's Future

Read more on Congresswoman Moore’s legislation here.

See the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) letter on the financial effects of Rep. Gwen Moore’s legislation.

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