GOP Majority Once Again Fails to Fund the Government and Protect the Vulnerable

Washington, D.C. - In response to the passage of the latest short-term Republican spending bill, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) released the following statement:

"My vote against this short-term Republican spending bill was a forceful vote against the reckless governing our constituents have come to despise. Once again, Republicans have pushed through legislation that ignores our obligation to protect DREAMers, fund our Community Health Centers, and support those who've been devastated by some of the worst national disasters in our history. Our nation deserves better.

"Any substantive relationship - be it personal or professional - must be based on trust and integrity. Without confidence in our counterparts to negotiate in good faith, bipartisan solutions can never truly come to fruition. It is with this in mind that I express my profound disappointment in my Republican colleagues and their actions during this needless government shutdown. Their conduct underscores the sad reality that the GOP has spent any and all of their political capital on appeasing President Trump and his radical base. My trust in the GOP and their ability to govern is gone.

"Shortly after the Senate voted to end the shutdown with Republican assurance that we would soon address the 800,000 DREAMers across our country, the White House rejected a critical bipartisan immigration proposal by Senator Dick Durbin and Senator Lindsey Graham. Such a cavalier and arrogant approach to negotiating clears up any ambiguity as to how we found our nation at such a perilous crossroads. It is our so-called 'Dealmaker in Chief' and his outright refusal to help this legislative body find common ground that has once again brought shame to the Office of the President, our country, and those who call it home."


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