Sheriff David Clarke's Resignation is a Victory for Milwaukee

David Clarke's untimely departure as Milwaukee County Sheriff isn't just a victory for Milwaukee, but for all of those whose rights and dignity were violated during his tenure. Joe Arpaio-like law enforcement figures like Clarke, who prioritize partisan fame over their constituents' safety, have no place in our local or federal government.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin — In response to Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke’s resignation, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) issued the following statement:
“David Clarke’s untimely departure as Milwaukee County Sheriff isn’t just a victory for Milwaukee, but for all of those whose rights and dignity were violated during his tenure. Joe Arpaio-like law enforcement figures like Clarke, who prioritize partisan fame over their constituents' safety, have no place in our local or federal government.
“Rather than being a valuable voice in the national conversation over the strained relationship between police and the communities they serve, Clarke allowed his appetite for the spotlight to erode his credibility and weaken his authority as sheriff. As too many of my constituents can attest to, he cared more about his office looking bad than doing good. Milwaukee County deserved better.
“Clearly, Clarke was incapable of serving the residents who elected him to office as he was only interested in serving a constituency of one: himself. However, even in his absence, I will continue to push Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and the Justice Department to hold Clarke responsible for the lives destroyed under his watch like Terrill Thomas, Michael Madden, Kristina Fiebrink and Shadé Swayzer's newborn baby girl. In the meantime, I call on Governor Walker to appoint a sheriff who will take their job seriously, value compassion over condescension, and put people before politics.”

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