Rep. Moore and Sen. Blumenthal Reintroduce Domestic Violence Gun Homicide Prevention Act of 2017

Sadly, in too many cases, like that of Zina Daniel, restraining orders alone are woefully inadequate from preventing an estranged partner from doing the unthinkable. My bill – the Domestic Violence Gun Homicide Prevention Act –would address this glaring defect in our justice system by incentivizing the implementation of stricter state-level firearm enforcement protections, giving law enforcement and judicial authorities the tools they need to save the lives of survivors and their families.
Washington, D.C. – This week, as Domestic Violence Awareness Month concluded, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) and U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) reintroduced the Domestic Violence Gun Homicide Prevention Act of 2017, legislation that would establish a grant program to encourage states to implement strong firearm enforcement policies, empowering law enforcement officials to remove guns from domestic violence situations.
“When a victim makes the courageous decision to leave an abusive situation, her life is at the greatest risk,” said Congresswoman Moore. “At such a critical juncture, the safety of the victim all too often depends on state enforcement authorities that lack the resources needed to swiftly disarm abusers. Sadly, in too many cases, like that of Zina Daniel, restraining orders alone are woefully inadequate from preventing an estranged partner from doing the unthinkable. My bill — the Domestic Violence Gun Homicide Prevention Act —would address this glaring defect in our justice system by incentivizing the implementation of stricter state-level firearm enforcement protections, giving law enforcement and judicial authorities the tools they need to save the lives of survivors and their families.”
“The link between domestic violence and guns is well-documented, and deadly,” said Senator Blumenthal. “Lori Jackson’s tragic death is one of thousands that occur each year following domestic disputes. The narrowly-crafted legislation I introduced today in Lori’s name would close the loophole that allows domestic abusers under temporary restraining orders to legally obtain weapons. Together with the Domestic Violence Gun Homicide Prevention Act – which would strengthen protections for domestic violence survivors – we can act decisively to prevent gun deaths at the hands of domestic abusers. Continued congressional complicity in this matter is unacceptable.”
"While many states have appropriate laws to keep firearms out of the hands of dangerous domestic abusers, not all jurisdictions have the resources or supports to actively enforce these laws,” said Ruth Glenn, Executive Director of National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV). “Research shows these laws save lives - but only when effectively implemented.  The Domestic Violence Gun Homicide Prevention Act gives states the flexibility to use COPS grants to assist courts and law enforcement in following best practices to remove firearms from prohibited abusers and to protect vulnerable victims when responding to domestic violence crimes.  Enforcement is essential!"
“We already know that when a gun is present in a domestic violence situation, a victim is 500% more likely to be murdered,” said Kim Gandy, President and CEO of National Network to End Domestic Violence. “We applaud Representative Gwen Moore for introducing this bill to give states additional resources to remove guns from abusers. This is an important investment in the promise Congress has already made to victims, that their abusers would not have guns, by creating an avenue for effective implementation.”

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