EPA Finds Local Industrial Refurbishing Plants in Violation of Federal Law

After months of investigations by federal authorities, the EPA has put Greif Industries on notice for alleged violations of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and the Clean Air Act at three of its Wisconsin facilities.

Washington, D.C. – In response to the announcement by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that multiple Milwaukee-area industrial refurbishing plants violated federal law, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) issued the following statement:

“After months of investigations by federal authorities, the EPA has put Greif Industries on notice for alleged violations of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and the Clean Air Act at three of its Wisconsin facilities, two of which are in the 4th Congressional District. Needless to say, this news is deeply disturbing as the alleged hazard zones fall in densely populated residential neighborhoods putting the health and well-being of thousands at risk. 

“Today’s announcement not only stresses the need for enhanced transparency in the private sector, but it also underscores the necessity for press freedom and a responsive EPA that can hold companies accountable for breaking laws that protect the public. Since assuming office, those like Donald Trump and Scott Pruitt have done everything in their power to cripple the EPA’s regulatory capacity and vilify the media. Fortunately, press outlets like the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel have been working diligently to investigate corporate polluters like Greif Industries and shed light on their potentially dangerous practices

“As a member of Congress, nothing is more important to me than securing the safety of my constituents. With this in mind, I encourage the EPA and the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Material’s Safety Administration, as well as other applicable state and federal agencies, to continue to work to protect our communities from this threat and ensure Grief Industries promptly complies with federal law. As agencies move forward with the enforcement mechanisms available, I will continue to work with federal stakeholders and all relevant parties to ensure our residents have access to information about any potential environmental hazards they may have been exposed to.”



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