Moore Joins Efforts to Launch Independent Trump-Russia Commission

Today, I eagerly joined a discharge petition filed by House Democrats to force a vote on legislation to create an independent commission to investigate President Trump's links to Russia.
Washington, D.C. – In response to the recent revelations surrounding President Donald Trump’s disclosure of classified information to Russian officials, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) released the following statement: 
“Today, I eagerly joined a discharge petition filed by House Democrats to force a vote on legislation to create an independent commission to investigate President Trump’s links to Russia. This bill has thus far been blocked by Speaker Paul Ryan and his Republican colleagues seven times, despite bipartisan outcries from constituents across the ideological spectrum.
“The termination of FBI Director James Comey sent shockwaves throughout my district and prompted numerous calls from outraged Milwaukee residents. They, like 78 percent of Americans, want an independent investigation into the Trump Administration’s ties to Vladimir Putin and the abrupt removal of Director Comey. Yet, Republicans continue to obstruct our attempts at pursuing the transparency and accountability our constituents demand and deserve on this urgent matter. 
“As we move forward without the support of our colleagues across the aisle, I urge every Member of Congress to help us uncover the truth regarding the Kremlin’s influence on the White House. The time has come for Speaker Ryan and his colleagues to prioritize being Americans above being Republicans. The risks to our national security are far too great to put party politics before the people who elected us to represent them.”

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