Moore Calls for Calm and Understanding After Calamitous Week

This week, across our country, Americans are once again mourning the lives of those who were tragically taken from us through senseless violence. Sadly, these feelings of grief are becoming all too familiar for far too many families.
Washington, D.C. – In response to the deaths of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and the shooting that killed five police officers and wounded several others in Dallas, TX, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) released the following statement:
“This week, across our country, Americans are once again mourning the lives of those who were tragically taken from us through senseless violence. Sadly, these feelings of grief are becoming all too familiar for far too many families. However, despite such sorrow and anger, we must continue to rebuke the increasingly loud and boisterous voices that seek to turn us against one another.
“Pain can often immobilize us, leaving us feeling powerless in the face of great adversity, but our nation is strong. We have the resources to prevent these tragedies before they happen. We have the means to keep our communities safe, and we have the tools to support and protect those responsible for keeping us safe. What we need now is the capacity and political will to recognize injustice and to ensure that justice is truly for all.  
“I grieve for the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. I grieve for the families of the Dallas police officers who were struck down while serving their community. I grieve for our country as we try to navigate through these dark times. And although I recognize that such darkness has the potential to create a considerable void between and within us, I take comfort in knowing that together, we can fill this space with light, love, and understanding.”   

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