CBC Reps Discuss Meeting With Paul Ryan and Army Natural Hair Ban

By NewsOne Now
Congresswomen Sheila Jackson Lee and Gwen Moore are two of 17 women in the Congressional Black Caucus. When news broke recently that the Pentagon was tightening restrictions on hairstyles for female soldiers, most pertaining to natural styles worn commonly by black women, the representatives stepped up and have asked military officials to rethink their new standards.
“I’ve had a natural or braids for a good part of my life and I see nothing wrong with any of the styles mentioned,” said Jackson Lee.
The new regulations are now under review but both women agree that a review isn’t enough. They want an end to the policing of black women’s hair. Listen to their full conversation with Roland Martin below and how they say the CBC’s meeting with Paul Ryan went.
To view this article and listen to the interview online, please click here.

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