That's what she said: Top 10 Tweets from women in politics this week (10/9)

by Andrea Beasley

This week, women in politics celebrated Latina Equal Pay Day, and took a stand on gun violence. Find out more in this week’s edition of That’s What She Said!

1. Mia Love

Rep. Mia Love professed her support for Republican House speaker contender, Jason Chaffetz, hours before House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s bombshell announcement to rescind his bid for John Boehner’s job.

2. Maria Contreras-Sweet

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, #POTUS Cabinet member Maria Contreras-Sweet praised the growing number of Hispanic-owned businesses and Rep. Loretta Sanchez encouraged the U.S. to “embrace the power and potential of the Latino community.”

3. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz implied Ohio Gov. John Kasich may have missed the mark on his Latino outreach plan during a statement last month when his remarks about a Latina maid drew backlash. The GOP candidate has since clarified his intentions. 

4. Cathy Russell

U.S. State Department liaison for women’s issues Cathy Russell brought attention the stereotypes some young Kenyan school girls feel hold them back from receiving a quality education.

5. Dianne Feinstein

Sen. Dianne Feinstein stressed the need for a comprehensive approach to “commonsense” gun laws, in the wake of the numerous mass shootings.

6. Kamala Harris

In honor of Latina Equal Pay Day, Attorney General Kamala Harris and Rep. Loretta Sanchez urged for more work to be done to achieve equal pay for all.

7. Sylvia Burwell

Health & Human Services Sylvia Burwell took a selfie for a cause with Elmo, while urging parents to get their kids vaccinated.

8. Melinda Gates

Bill and Melinda Gates gave props to a new film starring teen activist Malala Yousafzai called “He Named Me Malala” in theaters on Friday. The documentary is about the incredible life of Yousafzai, who says she won’t stop her goal to help advance education until every child is in school.

9. Sen. Elizabeth Warren

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren encouraged her state to continue to support transgender equality.  

10. Rep. Gwen Moore

Rep. Gwen Moore called on Congress to move on paid maternity leave, and gave the Obama Administration and the Labor Secretary props for “pulling their weight” on the issue.  

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