Gwen Moore joins colleagues in protest of House vote to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress


Washington, D.C. – This week, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) joined members of the Democratic Caucus in protest of the House vote to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress by walking off the House floor during the vote.
“This vote is just another attempt by Republicans to play partisan politics and shift the focus away from their ‘do-nothing’ Congress. As Members of Congress it is our duty to pass legislation that is pertinent to the American people, not engage in partisan witch hunts. These types of shenanigans only cripple our democracy.
“For the past 15 months Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice have cooperated with the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform’s request for information on ‘Fast and Furious.’ They have gone above and beyond to provide a multitude of information including all the documents that relate to the tactics in this investigation and the other flawed investigations that occurred in Arizona during the Bush Administration.
“But none of this would have mattered, since it was the Republican’s goal all along to make Attorney General Holder a pawn in their political game to smear President Obama.
“Today Republicans have shown their true colors. They are in no way interested in moving this country forward and are only interested in wild goose chases that do nothing to cure the many ills that we face as a country.
“I along with my Democratic colleagues remain committed to the real business of moving this country forward, not partisan game. This is why I could not, in good conscience, participate in this vote to hold Attorney General Holder in contempt.”
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