DC Wrap column

By Nicole Duran
**Moore wades into CFPB controversy** 
On Wednesday the House Financial Services Committee will examine allegations of racism and sexism at the newly minted Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. 
This comes after reports surfaced that the CFPB, and possibly all the financial-services sector's regulators, may systemically discriminate against minority employees. 
All but one of the nine Democrats on the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, plus the overall committee's ranking Democrat, Maxine Waters of California, wrote a letter to the Federal Reserve's Inspector General's Office asking it to "immediately exercise its independent oversight authority over the Bureau's operations, to detect whether any personnel practices and policies have created an unfair or discriminatory workplace for minorities and women employed at the CFPB." 
Moore, D-Milwaukee, who does not sit on that subcommittee but is a member of the full committee, said she's concerned about the allegations as well. 
"I am always concerned whenever I hear that there may be discrimination within any organization, especially a government agency," Moore said. "I recently had the opportunity to speak with [CFPB] Director [Richard] Cordray in a respectful and constructive manner. He shares my commitment to ensure that our government organizations are held to a high level of workplace fairness, and I look forward to working to ensure the CFPB is reaching that standard." 
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