Moore Reintroduces Bill to Prevent Violent Altercations Between Police and Civilians

| Posted in Press Releases

Today, I proposed a legislative solution to this national problem we can all support, regardless of party affiliation or political ideology. H.R. 3060, the Preventing Tragedies Between Police and Communities Act of 2017 – which draws from several •best practices' and recommendations from the nonpartisan Police Executive Research Forum – federally mandates de-escalation training for law enforcement officials.

Moore Opposes Trumpcare on the House Floor

| Posted in Press Releases

Mr. Speaker, this bill will have an impact on you. It's not just poor people, it's everybody. All Americans, every American, relies on decent good healthcare. This is the largest healthcare program in our country that is about to be dismantled. I caution everyone, especially you, Mr. Speaker, to beware.

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