Democrats: Ryan budget •a breach of faith, hurts women

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 By Ed O'Keefe As expected, Democrats voiced strong objections Tuesday to the House GOP budget proposal, saying it violates the agreement established during last summer’s debt negotiations, destroys the current Medicare system and would be harmful to women. The spending plan unveiled Tuesday by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) proposes $1.028…

Pelosi On Anniversary Of ACA: "Republicans Are Brazen" In Attempts To Undermine Womens Health Care

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 by Robin Marty, RH Reality CheckIt has been two years now since the Affordable Care Act was passed, and today it was celebrated by Congresswomen eager to remind the public of the great changes it has made on the behalf of women's health. "Today, a large number of women politicians spoke on the historic law," Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told…

Gwen Moore Commemorates International Womens Day

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Today, we come together to celebrate women and girls across the globe and their many contributions. As we reflect on International Women's Day, we must recommit ourselves to women's global struggle for equality and human rights.

Personal calls to take action

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 12 community leaders commit to fighting Milwaukee's crisis of infant deaths Dec. 17, 2011 |(33) Comments As part of our Empty Cradles project, Journal Sentinel reporters asked a dozen community leaders two questions:  What is the most important thing we must do to confront Milwaukee's infant mortality crisis?  What is your commitment to making a…

Welcome to the Twilight Zone

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 By Rep. Gwen S. Moore (D-Wis.)  Lately I, along with many other women, have felt like we are extras in an episode of the Twilight Zone. I can hear the narrator of the show saying “You're traveling through another dimension -- a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. That's a signpost up ahead; your next stop, the Twilight Zone!” The rhetoric…

Gwen Moore Recognizes 39th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

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For 39 years the Roe v. Wade decision has protected the reproductive choice of women giving them the opportunity to deal with the issue of unintended pregnancy in a safe and private manner. Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) recognized the 39th Anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision which is this Sunday, January 22. She released this…

Gwen Moore Statement on President Obamas State of the Union Address to Congress

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The President delivered a great speech tonight. His vision for restoring the economic security to the middle class by focusing on American manufacturing, energy, skills for American workers, and a renewal of American values was a very timely message for Washington, DC – Tonight, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released this statement following President Barack Obama’s State…

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