Gwen Moore Recognizes 39th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

For 39 years the Roe v. Wade decision has protected the reproductive choice of women giving them the opportunity to deal with the issue of unintended pregnancy in a safe and private manner.

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) recognized the 39th Anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision which is this Sunday, January 22. She released this statement:

“For 39 years the Roe v. Wade decision has protected the reproductive choice of women giving them the opportunity to deal with the issue of unintended pregnancy in a safe and private manner.

“Prior to this decision 1.2 million women resorted to illegal abortions each year where they encountered unsanitary conditions, unlicensed and unscrupulous doctors, and very dangerous situations. These ‘back-alley’ abortions often resulted in infection, hemorrhage, disfiguration and even death.

“It is imperative that we not allow anyone to attempt to erode this decision that has been so crucial to women’s health.

“The right to choose is an important and deeply personal decision that should be afforded to every woman. It is my hope that we continue to uphold this right so that women can continue to receive a full range of reproductive health services.”


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