Minnesota leads national push vs. sex trafficking

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   Much like the early 1990s, when Minnesota took a leadership role in efforts to pass the Violence Against Women Act, the state’s work to combat sex trafficking is serving as a national model. Thanks to the bipartisan work of Democrat Amy Klobuchar in the U.S. Senate and Republican Erik Paulsen in the U.S. House, there may soon be federal legislation in place to…

Stopping trafficking beyond #BringBackOurGirls

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  By Amy Turim  By now you probably know what the social media hash tag “bring back our girls” refers to. The message has reached near infamy worldwide, with tens of thousands of shares and retweets, and numerous parodies and critiques.  Television and newspaper commentators have either promoted the missive, or skewered First Lady Michelle Obama for…

An Agenda for Fighting Hunger in Our Communities Year-Round

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 By Congresswoman Gwen Moore   As the school year winds down, millions of children across our nation are thinking about their summers and eagerly anticipating the last bell. Yet, for many low-income families, the end of the school year also means the end of access to school lunch and breakfast programs. In a nation where almost 16 million children live in households…

U.S. Rep. Moore: Gwen Moore commemorates Memorial Day

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   Contact: Staci Cox(202) 225- 4572  Milwaukee, WI – Today Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released the following statement recognizing Memorial Day:  “Each Memorial Day, we honor the soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms.  “Next week, we will mark the…

Will backlogs in other states affect Milwaukee VAs ability to serve its own veterans?

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  By Mike Lowe  MILWAUKEE (WITI) — Americans are observing Memorial Day against the backdrop of a growing scandal over long wait times and secret records at Veterans Affairs medical facilities. But how will the backlogs in other states affect Wisconsin’s ability to serve its own veterans? It’s a question being asked by every member of the Wisconsin…

Treatment vs. jail time: New bill aimed at helping sex trafficking victims break free

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  By Jenna Sachs  MILWAUKEE (WITI) — It’s one of Milwaukee’s darkest secrets: Women and children being trafficked for sex. Experts say it’s a lucrative business — and Milwaukee is a major hub. A tough new bill would make it easier for human trafficking victims to break free. Last year, ten human trafficking victims between the ages of…

To Keep Women Healthy, We Must Protect Them From Gun Violence

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  By Qudsia Raja  Several years ago, I worked at the YWCA Union County, New Jersey, where a woman was murdered on the steps of our shelter door. She was shot 16 times through the back by her former partner, killing her instantly in front of their two young children. While your first instinct may be to think that this tragic incident is an exception to the norm,…

On Trial: Lyndon Johnsons Anti-Poverty Program

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  By Pema Levy  Should we keep anti-poverty programs? Or should we cut them? That was the underlying question at a contentious event Wednesday that pitted Republicans’ belief that the government’s effort to help the poor are hurting them against Democrats defending the worth of federal anti-poverty programs. Representative Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin,…


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  Written by Charles D. Ellison  Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan’s budget passed more than two weeks ago, but Beltway pundits and lawmakers are wrangling as if it’s still on the House floor. That 219 Republicans voted for it on April 10only cemented the budget as a non-starter in a Democratic-held Senate - which wasn’t planning on passing a budget…

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