Gwen Moore Stands up For Women, Against Supreme Court Decision

The extremely personal and private decision to take birth control should remain just that – personal and private. I urge my colleagues to stand on the right side of history and fight for access to women's health care.
Staci Cox
(202) 225- 4572
Milwaukee, WI – Today Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released this statement after the Supreme Court of the United States decided, in a 5-4 ruling, that some for-profit companies can deny their employees birth control coverage. 
“Today our Supreme Court ruled against women and on the side of for-profit company owners who wish to impose their religious beliefs on their employees. 
“The owners of Hobby Lobby, a for-profit arts and crafts store, and Conestoga Wood, a for-profit wood furniture manufacturer, should have no voice when it comes to women's private health care decisions. Unfortunately the Supreme Court does not agree. This dangerous decision could have far reaching consequences, as it opens the door for employers to restrict access to other essential health care services such as vaccinations or blood transfusions. No one should be denied access to health care because of her employer’s religious beliefs. 
“Approximately 99 percent of sexually active women will use contraception at some point during their lives. In fact, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has granted over 30 million women access to birth control coverage. Over 500,000 women in Wisconsin have benefited from the ACA’s preventive health care services. Although the majority of women will continue receiving birth control with no financial burden, women who are affected could soon feel the powerful, negative impact of the Supreme Court ruling. I stand with all women who may be forced to make a decision between paying for birth control and buying groceries.  
“Contraception coverage is a medical necessity that gives women the autonomy they need to plan their families and treat certain illnesses. The extremely personal and private decision to take birth control should remain just that – personal and private. I urge my colleagues to stand on the right side of history and fight for access to women’s health care.”
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