Speaking in Milwaukee, Obama urges Medicaid expansion

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by Ben StanleyPresident Barack Obama urged more Americans to sign up for health coverage through the Affordable Care Act and called on Gov. Scott Walker to expand Medicaid in Wisconsin while visiting Milwaukee recently to congratulate the city for its high Obamacare enrollment numbers. The president spoke in the gymnasium at Bruce-Guadalupe Middle School at the United Community…

White House releases video before Obamas Milwaukee visit

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by Bill GlauberBefore President Barack Obama's visit to Milwaukee Thursday, the White House released a video celebrating the city's win in the Healthy Communities Challenge. The video shows White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough relaying news of the win during a phone call to top public officials, including Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, Milwaukee County Executive Chris…

Bill Aims To Reduce Infant Mortality Through Better Data Collection

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by Tara HaelleSudden infant death syndrome, suffocation, abusive head trauma from being shaken, unexplained sudden death… There are a number of tragic ways an infant can unexpectedly die, leaving parents confused and heartbroken with grief. While nothing can take away that pain, many parents want answers more than anything else: Why did their baby die? Could it have been…

SRO at Congressional Briefing on the Impact of VAWA 2013 in Indian Country

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by Ginny UnderwoodWASHINGTON – More than 100 people accepted the invitation to attend a congressional briefing, Violence Against Women and Implementation of VAWA 2013 Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction held February 23, 2016 in Washington, D.C. "VAWA was a major step but it was just the beginning to restoring to Indian tribes - sovereign nations - the…

Gwen Moore: Abolishing the myth that abortion clinics target blacks

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by U.S. Rep. Gwen MooreA few weeks ago, Rep. Sean Duffy took to the House floor to scold black lawmakers like me. Citing high abortion rates among African-American women, the Wisconsin congressman accused abortion providers of preying on minority communities. “I’ve heard many of my liberal friends and a lot of friends from the (Congressional Black Caucus) talk about how…

Will Pro-Life Lawmakers Support A New Bill To Prevent Infant Deaths?

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by Alex ZeilinskiPro-life Republicans spend a lot of time talking about their mission to save babies’ lives. So will they line up to support a new piece of legislation that’s designed to prevent infant deaths? It doesn’t seem like it. Introduced by Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) on Friday, the “Reducing Unexpected Deaths in Infants and Children Act” aims to…

What Congressional Republicans Snub Of Obamas Budget Really Says

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by Lauren FoxIt is his final budget blueprint, his last chance to put his vision for the future in front of voters and Congress, but Republicans will not even pretend to give President Obama's last budget plan any serious consideration, a brush off that upends decades of decorum on Capitol Hill. For more than four decades, congressional leaders have invited the President's…

The Republican Plan To Cut Welfare With Just 51 Votes

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by Bryce CovertRep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) knows something about welfare. As an 18-year-old mother, she enrolled in what was at the time called Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) along with other social safety net programs that got her through and helped her rise out of poverty. “I was able to go and finish my education and training in order to become a taxpayer,” she…

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