Moore: My vote is not for sale

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 By Gwen MooreI am writing to respond to the June 16 article "Bank stance stings Moore" by Daniel Bice (June 17).I believe the article grossly mischaracterizes my recent votes on financial service issues and my motivation for those votes. The article fails to make any thoughtful attempt to understand or evaluate the bills and so, unfortunately, only serves to further…

House votes to let states add work requirements to food stamp benefits

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By Pete KasperowiczThe House voted Thursday to let states launch pilot programs allowing them to require food stamp recipients to either work or show they are looking for work.The amendment to the farm bill from Rep. Steve Southerland (R-Fla.) is modeled after the 1996 welfare reform, which had a work requirement and which Republicans say is responsible for helping people get off…

House votes to let states run drug tests on food stamp applicants

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By Pete KasperowiczThe House late Wednesday voted to give states the authority to conduct drug testing on people applying for food stamps under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).By voice vote, members approved the idea as an amendment to the farm bill that was proposed by Rep. Richard Hudson (R-N.C.). Hudson said the proposal would help ensure SNAP benefits go to needy…

Families, Breadwinner Moms Still on Losing End of Public Policy

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By Alissa BohlingThe Pew report released recently finding that mothers are the primary or sole income earners in 40 percent of households with children emphasized the growth of their demographic group since 1960, when mothers were the breadwinners in only 11 percent of households. But as more American families rely on women's earnings, concerns remain that public policy is not keeping…

Advocates for BadgerCare continue to reach out to Wisconsin Legislators to accept federal funds

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 By Cassandra LansAt a news conference on Wednesday morning, Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals, healthcare professionals, and community members in need of BadgerCare responded to Tuesday’s vote by the Joint Finance Committee to reject billions of federal funds for BadgerCare and leave citizens to continue to struggle to access…

Nation must do better for those who rely on food aid

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   By Gwen Moore and Sherrie Tussler "That I finally let myself do this. Never thought I would ever be in this position — never."—A response from a Wisconsin senior, when asked what is the most positive outcome in applying for SNAP.  In an ideal world, every parent would have the means to provide for his or her children, the American…

Gwen Moore Opposes Ryan Budget

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As I've said before, this budget has me feeling like I'm Alice in Wonderland. I've fallen down the rabbit hole and landed in the middle of a mad tea party.

Gwen Moore on Paul Ryan, budget: Lot of negotiating thatll have to be done with this joker

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 By David Sherfinski  Rep. Gwen Moore slammed the proposed budget plan of Rep. Paul Ryan as a “polemic” and handed him a backhanded compliment for offering his “firmest offer” for the start of negotiations. “The thing that I think is really disappointing is that it’s a polemic versus any kind of policy statement of principles,”…

Gwen Moore: Ryan Budget "Robs Peter to Pay Paul"

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As a Member of the House Budget Committee, it amazes me that my colleague Paul Ryan and his GOP counterparts have once again presented a budget that is neither fair nor balanced and is clearly class warfare against the poor and middle class. Simply put,  Contact: Nicole Y. Williams or Staci Cox(202) 225- 4572 Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4)…

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