Reviewing The Year 2013

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  Compiled by MCJ Staff The second six months of 2013 was about injustice, from a courtroom in Florida to the hallowed chambers of the nation’s highest court, where an iconic ruling protecting the sanctity of voting rights was stripped of its essence. The second half of the year witnessed the celebration of another iconic moment in American and Black American history,…

Gwen Moore supports bipartisan spending bill

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 Reprinted by Milwaukee Courier  This week, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI- 04) voted in support of the omnibus appropriations bill that provides $1.1 trillion in funding for the 2014 fiscal year.She released this statement: “Our government cannot continue to operate from one manufactured crisis to the next.Although the omnibus does not restore pre-sequester…

Gwen Moore Supports Bipartisan Spending Bill

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Our government cannot continue to operate from one manufactured crisis to the next. Although the omnibus does not restore pre-sequester funding for every program, it offers significant relief to many of our domestic investments that were compromised when the across-the-board spending cuts went into effect.

50 years since LBJs War on Poverty: A New Battle Cry

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  By Rep. Gwen Moore  Unfortunately, many Americans live on the outskirts of hope--some because of their poverty, and some because of their color, and all too many because of both. Our task is to help replace their despair with opportunity. This administration today, here and now, declares unconditional war on poverty in America. I urge this Congress and all Americans…

50 Years Since LBJs War on Poverty: A New Battle Cry

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  By Rep. Gwen Moore  Unfortunately, many Americans live on the outskirts of hope--some because of their poverty, and some because of their color, and all too many because of both. Our task is to help replace their despair with opportunity. This administration today, here and now, declares unconditional war on poverty in America. I urge this Congress and all Americans…

State Debate: Have we no longer any shame?, blogger Bill Wineke asks

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  In a piece for the Huffington Post, Wisconsin Congresswoman Gwen Moore notes the 50th anniversary of Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty. She says it's time this country return to the days when governmental leaders actually tried to do something about poverty instead of attacking programs aimed at combating it.  To view the entire article online, please click here.

50 Years Since LBJs War on Poverty: A New Battle Cry

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  By Rep. Gwen Moore  Unfortunately, many Americans live on the outskirts of hope--some because of their poverty, and some because of their color, and all too many because of both. Our task is to help replace their despair with opportunity. This administration today, here and now, declares unconditional war on poverty in America. I urge this Congress and all Americans…

Gwen Moore "Educates" Ted Cruz

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  By Michael Horne  Rep. Gwen Moore spent the penultimate day of 2013 in her district talking to residents of St. John’s on the Lake, the Episcopalian home at 1840 N. Prospect Ave. She was introduced to the 60 or so in the audience by Gene Gilbert, a resident who has brought a new level of political involvement to the home since moving there a year or so…

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