CBC Takes Paul Ryan to Task for Poverty Remarks

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  By James Wright  The leaders of the Congressional Black Caucus criticized Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), chairman of the House Budget Committee, for remarks he made during a recent television appearance belittling Americans who live in poverty. Ryan, who was the running mate of GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney in 2012, said on Bill Bennett's "Morning in…

CBC Chastises Ryan Remarks on Poverty (Updated)

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  By Matt Fuller  The Congressional Black Caucus has invited Rep. Paul D. Ryan to a CBC meeting to discuss their perspectives on poverty after the House Budget chairman made some self-described “inarticulate” remarks on the subject. Ryan recently said there was a “tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just…

Black Caucus calls Rep. Paul Ryans remarks on poverty highly offensive, invite him to meeting

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  By William Douglas   The Congressional Black Caucus has invited House Budget Committee Chair Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., to attend its weekly meeting when Congress returns from recess to explain what the group considers "highly offensive" remarks he made about inner-city men and their work ethic on a conservative talk radio show. Appearing on Bill…

Gwen Moore: Poverty is caused by a culture of inequality

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WASU.S. Rep.WASU.S. Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Milwaukee, agrees with her colleague, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Janesville, that many in the nation are living in poverty as a result of damaging cultural influences.WASU.S. Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Milwaukee, agrees with her colleague, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Janesville, that many in the nation are living in poverty as a result of damaging cultural…

Lets Get to Work on the Export-Import Bank

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  By Rep. Moore   The bottom line is that Congress needs to focus on economic recovery, growth and jobs, but the frustrating truth is the Republican-led House continues to undermine the economy by failing to extend unemployment benefits, stifling growth with an austerity agenda and shutting down the federal government. House Republicans may have adopted an…

Gwen Moore responds to Presidents State of the Union Address to Congress

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   Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released this statement following President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address to Congress. “Tonight President Obama delivered a thoughtful address, outlining our nation’s priorities for 2014. From education reform and college affordability to job training and retirement security, there were many noteworthy…

Republicans Just Won the Food Stamp War

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  Congress is set to approve $9 billion in cuts to the food stamp program even as a record number of Americans live in poverty. By Erika Eichelberger  On Wednesday morning, Republicans won a years-long battle over whether to slash or spare food stamps when the House passed the farm bill, a $500 billion piece of legislation that funds nutrition and agriculture…

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