After Repairers split, MacCanon Brown focuses on new day shelter

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  By Georgia Pabst  A new nonprofit that will be called the MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary Inc. is being organized by MacCanon Brown and her supporters to provide a day shelter for the homeless. The new effort was announced Saturday night at an invitation-only "Celebration of Hope" buffet at the Italian Community Center that was organized to honor…

Controversy Surrounding Paul Ryans Culture Remarks Linger

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  Congressional Black Caucus, left-wing leaders continue to hammer Ryan over alleged racially-tinged remarks By Corey ArvinStaff Writer Nearly two weeks since his radio interview with “Morning in America”, a formal rebuke by the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), and a letter defending his statements, Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) still can’t shake comments about…

DC Wrap column

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  By Nicole Duran **Ryan to meet with Congressional Black Caucus at end of April**  The firestorm surrounding U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan's comments about poverty on a conservative radio show hasn't flamed out. Adding fuel to the fire was a letter from the 43-member Congressional Black Caucus--spearheaded by fellow delegation member, Rep. Gwen Moore,…

MUHAMMAD: Republicans Really Dont Get Race

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  By Askia Muhammad  Face it, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) is a political Rock Star. In addition to his influential position in the GOP Congressional leadership, he was Gov. Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential running mate in the 2012 campaign. Even though she cannot compose a coherent sentence, we still read or hear about Sen. John…

Paul Ryan To Meet With Highly Offended Congressional Black Caucus Members

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  Wisconsin Republican Paul Ryan has been on the defensive after not just offending, but “highly” offending some members of the Congressional Black Caucus with recent remarks he made regarding poverty in the inner city. According to Reuters, the storm first began brewing Wednesday when Ryan was a guest on William Bennett’s talk radio program, Morning in…

Gwen Moore Takes Aim at Paul Ryans Bradley Foundation-Inspired, Race-Based Comments

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By now you’veBy now you’ve probably heard that Congressman Paul Ryan has stepped in it again. The Janesville Republican is trying to prove that he’s a serious guy and is trying to find a new justification for cutting the social safety net and moving money toward the top 1%.  By Lisa Kaiser  By Lisa Kaiser First, it was Ayn Rand. Then it was the…

Paul Ryan to meet black U.S. lawmakers after offensive remarks

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(Reuters) - Republican U.S.(Reuters) - Republican U.S. Representative Paul Ryan on Friday agreed to meet with the Congressional Black Caucus after members of the group branded his remarks about inner-city poverty this week "highly offensive". By Reuters  Republican U.S. Representative Paul Ryan on Friday agreed to meet with the Congressional Black Caucus after…

Ryan to meet black lawmakers on poverty

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 By Mike Lillis  Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Friday accepted an invitation to sit down with the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) to discuss recent remarks the former vice-presidential candidate made about inner-city culture. In a letter Thursday, CBC Chairwoman Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) had said she was "deeply troubled" by Ryan's assertion that…

Paul Ryan Agrees to Meet with Congressional Black Caucus After Inner-City Remarks

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  Caucus members say they were "deeply troubled" by what the lawmaker said.  By Elahe Izadi  Republican Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, whose remarks about inner-city poverty were described by another member of Congress as a "thinly veiled racial attack," has accepted the invitation of the Congressional Black Caucus to discuss…


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 We've been reaching peak awkwardness between prominent Republicans and the African-American political community quite a lot the last few years, between Mitt Romney at the NAACP, Rand Paul lecturing at Howard University students and now this. National Journal: "Republican Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, whose remarks about inner-city poverty were described by another…

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