DC Wrap column

By Nicole Duran
**Ryan to meet with Congressional Black Caucus at end of April** 
The firestorm surrounding U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan's comments about poverty on a conservative radio show hasn't flamed out. Adding fuel to the fire was a letter from the 43-member Congressional Black Caucus--spearheaded by fellow delegation member, Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Milwaukee--challenging the House Budget Committee chair to include CBC proposals in the GOP budget. It wasn't the first time Moore took Ryan to task over budgetary issues and poverty--it wasn't even the first time this month. 
Earlier this month, Moore said Ryan's poverty report "seeks to undermine our anti-poverty programs instead of actually reducing poverty." Last year after House Republicans, led by Ryan, introduced their annual budget Moore said: "This bill is clearly class warfare against the poor and middle class." 
Ryan has since clarified his radio remarks and agreed to meet with the CBC. The Janesville Republican plans to attend the group's weekly meeting on April 30. 
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