New flare-ups over the racial demographics of abortion

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by David CraryNEW YORK (AP) — Abortion and race, two of America's most volatile topics, have intersected in recent flare-ups related to the disproportionately high rate of abortion among black women. In Congress, Rep. Sean Duffy, a white Republican from rural Wisconsin, lambasted black members of Congress for failing to decry these high abortion numbers. The next day, Rep.…

In Context: Sean Duffy on African-Americans and abortion

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by Tom KertscherThe Congressional Black Caucus is weighing whether to ask for a formal condemnation of U.S. Rep. Sean Duffy over comments the Wisconsin Republican made about high rates of abortion among African-Americans. The Wausau Republican's remarks, made on the House floor on Jan. 7, 2016, drew a sharp reaction the next day from one of the caucus members, U.S. Rep. Gwen…

Moore Responds to President Obamas Final State of the Union

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Despite such remarkable economic gains, neither President Obama nor I believe that our work is done. Too many working men and women continue to struggle just to provide the basic necessities for their families. Too many communities of color find themselves underserved and disadvantaged.

Black lawmakers weigh plan to condemn Rep. Duffy over abortion comments

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by Lauren FrenchThe Congressional Black Caucus is weighing whether to ask for a formal condemnation of Republican Rep. Sean Duffy over abortion-related comments the Wisconsin lawmaker made on the House floor. Last week, Duffy suggested that the Congressional Black Caucus is ignoring the impacts of abortion on minority communities — comments that drew immediate criticism from…

All Lives Matter is now being used against abortion rights

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by Emily CrockettOpponents of the Black Lives Matter movement often use the phrase "all lives matter" to dismiss activists' concerns about police violence against black Americans. But now lawmakers in Missouri, where the Black Lives Matter movement began, are using the phrase in anti-abortion legislation. Rep. Mike Moon of the Missouri State House sponsored a bill…

Moore Responds to Racially Insensitive Comments Made by Rep. Duffy

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After nearly 30 years in public office, not much surprises me anymore. So you can imagine my lack of astonishment when a conservative member of the Wisconsin Congressional Delegation recently used abortion statistics as a means to lecture Black legislators like myself about defending the welfare of our constituents.

Congressman Asks Colleagues to Defend Black Unborn Babies. Then They Hit Back

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by Kayla BrandonWhen a Wisconsin congressman took the House floor last week to talk about abortion, he also brought up another sensitive subject — race. U.S. Rep. Sean Duffy (R) addressed his ‘liberal friends’ and members of the Congressional Black Caucus to defend the lives of unborn African American babies:“…talk about fighting for the defenseless,…

GOP Congressman Wonders If Congressional Black Caucus Cares About All Black Lives

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by Julia CravenRep. Sean Duffy (R-Wis.) says he's heard a lot about how the criminal justice system and other institutions treat African-Americans from the Congressional Black Caucus. But on Thursday, he wondered aloud on the House floor why the CBC wasn't more vocal about “how their communities are targeted in abortion.” “Here are some stunning facts.…

GOP Seeks to End Health Insurance and Preventative Services for Millions of Americans

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Rather than starting the New Year with new bipartisan initiatives to create jobs and move our economy forward, House Republicans have once again decided to pursue the same partisan fights from the year before. Their efforts not only compromise the health care of millions of families across the country, but also represent an outright refusal to pursue sensible legislation with their colleagues across the aisle.

Moore Expresses Concern Over Abuse Allegations at Lincoln Hills and Copper Lake School

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I fear that, without swift intervention, these inmates are at serious risk of becoming another faceless member of our seemingly endless school-to-prison pipeline. I am determined to fulfill our promise to help these youth become productive and successful members of our society.

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