By Larry Bivins WASHINGTON — When Mitt Romney announced Rep. Paul Ryan as his vice presidential pick last August, Democrats seemed barely able to control their glee, so delighted they were by the opportunity to make the congressman’s budget plans a focal point of the 2012 presidential race. And when Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, announced… Read more »
By David Sherfinski Rep. Gwen Moore slammed the proposed budget plan of Rep. Paul Ryan as a “polemic” and handed him a backhanded compliment for offering his “firmest offer” for the start of negotiations. “The thing that I think is really disappointing is that it’s a polemic versus any kind of policy statement of principles,”… Read more »
As a Member of the House Budget Committee, it amazes me that my colleague Paul Ryan and his GOP counterparts have once again presented a budget that is neither fair nor balanced and is clearly class warfare against the poor and middle class. Simply put, Contact: Nicole Y. Williams or Staci Cox(202) 225- 4572 Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4)… Read more »
By A.J. Bayatpour, updated on: 09:10pm, March 2, 2013 GLENDALE (WITI) — $85 billion in federal spending cuts are set to take effect as of 12 a.m. Saturday, March 2nd if Congress cannot come up with a deal to avoid them. The cuts are part of the “sequestration.” Republican Congressman Paul Ryan explained sequester to a crowd at the Snap-On headquarters in… Read more »
By Jason Kurtyka Barring a last-second deal, $85 billion will be cut from the federal budget starting tomorrow as a result of the failure to reach a budgetary agreement by President Barack Obama and Congress during the last two years. The cuts would take effect over the next seven months and could have a direct impact on Marquette students and Wis. residents. According to… Read more »
By Steve Schultze State legislation that could lead to cutting Milwaukee County supervisor pay by half and the County Board's budget by two-thirds would harm minority representation, a group of African-American community leaders said Monday. "This legislation would effectively silence the voice of the low-income community, particularly communities of… Read more »
MILWAUKEE (WITI) — It is the sequestration standoff: the Friday, March 1st deadline when automatic spending cuts would kick in is approaching, and both Democrats and Republicans are working to avoid the blame for a move that could derail the nation’s economic recovery. “The sequestration deadline in very ominous. There is a critical mass of Republicans who… Read more »
By Don Walker As part of President Barack Obama's State of the Union call to help the nation's middle class, the government plans to create "promise zones" in as many as 20 distressed communities across the country, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan said Thursday in Milwaukee. Donovan met with Mayor Tom Barrett, Racine Mayor John Dickert,… Read more »
Compiled by Courier Staff Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) responded to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address to Congress. “Tonight the President set an aggressive agenda for America. His plan to refocus our efforts on bringing about solid economic growth for all Americans through manufacturing, infrastructure, clean and renewable energy, skills… Read more »
This sort of common sense legislation will help us strike a fair balance between Wall Street and •Main Street' in relation to those advising institutions on municipal bonds. Read more »