Commentary: GOPs Public Pension Transparency Act Starts on a False Premise

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 By Rep. Gwen Moore  Last week, Representative Devin Nunes, along with Reps. Paul Ryan and Darrell Issa, introduced HR 1628, the Public Pension Transparency Act. The bill would provide that a state or local government would lose certain "federal tax benefits," including the federal tax exemption on interest on the government's bonds, unless certain specified…

The One Thing in The Presidents Budget Democrats Really Hate

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By Lauren Victoria Burke  And the winner is: Chained CPI — or a “cut to Social Security” as Democrats in the House refer to it.  They don’t care that it means that Social Security benefits will increase at a slower rate. CPI stands for “Chained Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers” but so what? It may as well translate into…

Wisconsins lawmakers a force in national budget battles

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 State has more people on the two congressional budget committees than any other, even California By Craig Gilbert of the Journal Sentinel Washington, D.C. - Depending on how you see it, the budget debate in Congress is a moment of great clarity or futility, an edifying clash of competing worldviews or a fruitless partisan standoff. In either case, the state of…

$3 billion in airport improvements exempt from federal budget cuts

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 Airport Improvement Program is not part of sequestration By Joe Taschler of the Journal Sentinel As budget cuts force the Federal Aviation Administration to carve chunks out of the nation's air traffic control system, the agency cannot touch a program that allocated $17.9 million for airport improvements on the Pacific island of Saipan. Or $9.4 million for…

Gwen Moore Opposes Ryan Budget

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As I've said before, this budget has me feeling like I'm Alice in Wonderland. I've fallen down the rabbit hole and landed in the middle of a mad tea party.

Wisconsin lawmakers split by party over Ryan budget

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 By Craig Gilbert  Washington, D.C. -- Wisconsin’s five GOP House members voted for Paul Ryan’s budget plan Thursday, and the state’s three Democratic House members voted against it, reflecting the budget’s approval along stark party lines. The House passed the Ryan budget Thursday 221-207. All but ten Republicans voted yes. Every Democrat voted…

Congressional Black Caucus Presents Alternate Budget

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 By Barrington Salmon  Organization Contends Their Version is a Sharp Contrast to Ryan's Members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) presented an alternative budget for the 2013 fiscal year that they said slashes deficits, eliminates the sequester and protects those programs which are safety nets for the most vulnerable. "Since 1981, the CBC has…

House budget debate solves nothing, but sets up Wednesday votes

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 By Pete Kasperowicz   House Republicans and Democrats spent several hours Tuesday in what looked like a futile attempt to convince each other to abandon their respective budget positions. The debate did not appear to change any minds, and seemed to serve mostly as an example of the intractable debate over taxes and spending that has frozen Washington for the last…

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