Rep. Moore Arrested During Minimum Wage Protest

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  By Daniel Strauss Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) was arrested by West Milwaukee police on Thursday as she joined a minimum wage protest in her district. Twenty-five people have been arrested so far by police during the "Fight for 15" protests in West Milwaukee, according to the local CBS affiliate. The group advocates for raising the minimum wage and has staged…

Rep. Gwen Moore arrested at fast food wage protest

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  By Jason Silverstein U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore was detained by police at a protest Thursday led by fast food workers pressing for an increase in the minimum wage. The nonprofit group Wisconsin Jobs Now tweeted a photo of Moore being handcuffed by what appears to be a plainclothes police officer. Moore's personal Twitter account soon followed with a tweet, written by…

A solid investment in the future of Milwaukee: EPA grants $1 million to clean up "brownfield" sites

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  By Katie Delong MILWAUKEE (WITI) — U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regional Administrator Susan Hedman has announced a $1 million “Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund” grant to clean up contaminated properties in Milwaukee to prepare the sites for reuse. Hedman was joined by U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore and Mayor Tom Barrett for the announcement at a…

Democrats dubious of Ryans proposed anti-poverty reforms

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  By Steve Dzubay  WASHINGTON D.C. -- House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan of Janesville says he wants to reform federal programs for the poor without a net reduction in spending, but at least one Wisconsin Democrat doesn't buy it. Milwaukee Representative Gwen Moore said the block grants Ryan's talking about are a "proxy for the chopping block."…

Wary Democrats approach new Ryan poverty plan with caution

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  By Craig Gilbert  Washington — While citing some areas of common ground, Democrats reacted with general skepticism to the anti-poverty agenda unveiled by House budget chairman Paul Ryan of Janesville on Thursday. One big reason: their deep disdain for the House budgets Ryan has crafted in recent years, which they view as punitive toward the…

Commerce Law Could Be Key to Establishing Tribal Economic Development Council

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 By Rob Capriccioso   For those clamoring for the president to appoint a tribal economic development council, the wheel doesn’t have to be reinvented, say tribal advocates—and he wouldn’t have to use an executive order to do so, either. There has been a law on the books since 2000, the Indian Tribal Regulatory Reform and Business Act, which would…

House rebuffs bid to limit congressional review of CFPB

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  By Cristina Marcos The House on Tuesday rejected a proposal to limit GOP efforts to review Consumer Financial Protection Bureau spending. Rep. Gwen Moore's (D-Wis.) amendment to the fiscal 2015 Financial Services appropriations bill would strike a provision that allows for transfers of funds from the Federal Reserve to the CFPB to be reviewed by…

Delegation mostly unified over workforce bill

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 By Nicole Duran All eight of Wisconsin's House members voted for a job-training bill last week, sending it to President Barack Obama's desk for signing. When the measure came before the Senate last month, all but three senators, including Oshkosh Republican Ron Johnson supported it.  The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act attempts to streamline the…

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