Gwen Moore Seeks Assistance to Reduce Milwaukee Gun Violence, Sends Letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder

Gun violence is a plague that steals the lives of far too many in our community. Each time we lose a life, our hearts break and the violence continues. We must all work together, on the local, state and federal levels, to thwart these crimes.
Staci Cox
(202) 225- 4572
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder asking him to partner with local officials to help reduce and prevent gun violence in Milwaukee. 
“Gun violence is a plague that steals the lives of far too many in our community. Each time we lose a life, our hearts break and the violence continues. 
“We must all work together, on the local, state and federal levels, to thwart these crimes. While common-sense gun violence reduction measures sit in legislative limbo, I am taking additional action now. I have asked U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to provide resources and support to our community. I know that these efforts alone will not solve our horrific problem, but neither will inaction. 
“While I wait for his response, we must look to one another. Every one of us has an invested interest in ending this senseless violence. I implore everyone to do our part to keep our children and our community safe.”
To read the letter in full, please see below or click here
Dear Attorney General Holder:
I am writing this letter to make you aware of a recent spike in gun violence in the Milwaukee area, and ask for any assistance and resources you are able to provide to help.  As of June 16, 2014, thus far this year, 30 children have been shot in Milwaukee, 185 total nonfatal shootings have taken place, and 30 homicides have been committed.  According to data from the Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission, there has also been a spike of recent gun violence.  Specifically, 78 individuals have been victimized between May 18 and June 15, with 71 percent of the victims falling between 18 and 34 years of age.  Seventy-four percent of the suspects range between 18 and 34 years of age.
As you can imagine, community leaders and many of my constituents are concerned that we could experience a trend of violence continuing through the summer months in Milwaukee.  Youth gun violence is particularly troublesome to me, because it not only snatches away the hopes and dreams of so many of our children, but it also devastates the families, friends, and neighbors who bear witness to our children being killed or taken from us.  Moreover, the loss of our children to gun violence snuffs out our potential for so many talented youth who would be great contributors to our city and the country as a whole.  We must put every option on the table to immediately halt this senseless violence that is plaguing our community.
I am asking that the Department of Justice (DOJ) do everything in its power to assist Milwaukee in its efforts to reduce and stop gun violence.  For example, it is my understanding that the Bureau of Justice Assistance has in the past granted emergency funding resources to assist localities facing a significant increase in the incidence of gun violence.  Any such resources or related assistance would be instrumental in helping Milwaukee in its effort.  
Furthermore, I respectfully request that the DOJ does everything it can to partner with our law enforcement agencies currently on the ground in Milwaukee.  It is also my understanding that the Bureau of Justice Assistance can offer training and technical assistance.  These evidenced-based practices can greatly assist our policing efforts to reduce gang violence and bolster overall strategies to most effectively combat crimes.  Lastly, I thank you for any efforts you have already made, and I encourage the DOJ to continue to work closely with our community stakeholders in identifying any other resources that can be helpful in these endeavors.     
Thank you again for your assistance in this matter.
Gwen Moore
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