by Kyle AevermannUpset about potentially losing their pension, more than 100 local teamsters are heading to the nation’s capital in hopes of blocking a proposed cut. The group of teamsters left the Park and Ride near I-94 and College Avenue just after 4 Thursday morning. One member told CBS58 they feel like they are being thrown under the bus. Their pensions… Read more »
by James E. CauseyAdvocacy groups across Wisconsin are urging Gov. Scott Walker to seek a waiver from the U.S. Department of Agriculture that would keep the state's most vulnerable from losing food benefits. Walker needs to do this. There still are not enough jobs that pay a living wage for everyone who is looking for work. If Walker seeks the waiver, it will keep in place a… Read more »
Water access is a fundamental human right no matter where you live. Dr. Kim and his team have the responsibility to put the World Bank's mission – alleviating global poverty – above the pursuit of profits. This institution must take that responsibility much more seriously, especially when it comes to water, or it will fail the very people it is supposed to be serving. Read more »
by Katie DeLongMILWAUKEE — Wisconsin’s congressional Democrats are calling on Gov. Scott Walker to reverse his decision and accept a federal food stamp waiver, saying it would restore aid to thousands. U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin and U.S. Representatives Ron Kind, Gwen Moore and Mark Pocan have sent a letter to Governor Scott Walker calling on him to immediately restore… Read more »
(AP) -- Wisconsin's congressional Democrats are calling on Gov. Scott Walker to reverse his decision and accept a federal food stamp waiver, saying it would restore aid to thousands.In a letter Tuesday, Sen. Tammy Baldwin and U.S. Reps. Ron Kind, Gwen Moore and Mark Pocan said low-income residents shouldn't be required to have jobs to receive food aid if they can't find work… Read more »
Rather than taking a page out of Donald Trump's anti-immigrant playbook, Congress' collective focus should center on pursuing comprehensive immigration reform and supporting the hard-working immigrant families who are woven into the cultural tapestry of this great nation. Read more » Gwen Moore asks Fed Chair Janet Yellen about reducing the burden on community banks.To read this article online, please click here. Read more »
by Lauren FoxIt is his final budget blueprint, his last chance to put his vision for the future in front of voters and Congress, but Republicans will not even pretend to give President Obama's last budget plan any serious consideration, a brush off that upends decades of decorum on Capitol Hill. For more than four decades, congressional leaders have invited the President's… Read more »
by Bryce CovertRep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) knows something about welfare. As an 18-year-old mother, she enrolled in what was at the time called Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) along with other social safety net programs that got her through and helped her rise out of poverty. “I was able to go and finish my education and training in order to become a taxpayer,” she… Read more »
Both Congresswoman Lee and I were once recipients of the very social services that are currently being targeted by our Republican colleagues. Our distinct perspectives and firsthand experiences with these vital public assistance programs add unique and empathetic voices to a debate overpowered by crass sentiments and hostile attitudes. Read more »