Anti-Immigrant Amicus Brief Deprives Immigrant Families of Respect and Dignity

Rather than taking a page out of Donald Trump's anti-immigrant playbook, Congress' collective focus should center on pursuing comprehensive immigration reform and supporting the hard-working immigrant families who are woven into the cultural tapestry of this great nation.
Washington, D.C. – In response to Republican efforts to bring forward a resolution authorizing the Speaker of the House to file an anti-immigrant amicus brief with the Supreme Court, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) issued the following statement:
“Speaker Paul Ryan’s attempt to file an anti-immigrant amicus brief with the United States Supreme Court represents yet another partisan effort to undermine President Obama during an election year. Sadly, these discriminatory efforts by my conservative colleagues signify an ongoing campaign to cater to the most extreme wing of the Republican Party and fan the flames of dangerous anti-immigrant hostility. 
“Adding insult to injury is the secrecy associated with the details of this amicus brief. An issue as important as immigration reform demands transparency, but in reality, no Member of the House has actually seen the language of this partisan brief despite attempts by Speaker Ryan to file it on behalf of the full House.   
“I take great pride in pursuing solutions that substantively address our broken immigration system, from supporting President Obama’s actions on DACA and DAPA to stop deportation actions against innocent children and mothers, to cosponsoring the Reuniting Families Act, a bill that helps ensure visas are allocated efficiently, and ending discrimination in immigration law against LGBT Americans and their foreign-born partners. Rather than taking a page out of Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant playbook, Congress’ collective focus should center on pursuing comprehensive immigration reform and supporting the hard-working immigrant families who are woven into the cultural tapestry of this great nation.”

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