State Waivers for TANF Can Provide True Pathway Out of Poverty

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 Recently the Obama Administration took a commonsense step in reforming a program that has long been in need of repair – the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. Through a recent rule change the Administration will now allow states to apply for waivers that could grant them some flexibility in implementing their TANF programs. The new guidance will bolster…

Rep. Gwen Moore on the Importance of LGBT-Inclusive VAWA

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 This guest post comes from Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-WI): Since the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) first passed in 1994, we have witnessed nothing short of a sea change. The rate of non-fatal intimate partner violence has decreased 53 percent. More men and women are reporting domestic violence, and fewer people are being killed by intimate partner violence. As the time…

Democrats Think the Tables Are Turning on the ACA, and Some Predict a Public Option

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 George Zornick on July 11, 2012 - 3:28 PM ET For the thirty-third time since John Boehner took the speaker’s gavel in 2011, the House of Representatives will vote Wednesday to repeal all or part of the Affordable Care Act. (In this case, all of it.) As Republicans mount their response to the Supreme Court’s recent decision upholding most of the law, the floor has…

Wisconsin Dem slams passage of House •Obamacare repeal bill

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 By Kay Steiger House Republicans voted to repeal what they dub “Obamacare” in a 244-185 vote on Wednesday, even after the Supreme Court affirmed the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act last month. “Same crap, different day,” Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) told Raw Story. “They’ve always been against Social Security, against Medicare,…

The 11 Most Pro-Gay U.S. Representatives

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 By Josh Israel and Adam Peck Last week, ThinkProgress identified seven anti-LGBT Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives who sponsored or co-sponsored five or more of the ten most anti-gay bills introduced so far this Congress. But while they and 137 colleagues were promoting discrimination, 183 Representatives have signed on as backers of at least one of 27 pro-LGBT…

Gwen Moore joins colleagues in protest of House vote to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress

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 Washington, D.C. – This week, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) joined members of the Democratic Caucus in protest of the House vote to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress by walking off the House floor during the vote. “This vote is just another attempt by Republicans to play partisan politics and shift the focus away from their…

Voter Suppression, Not …Fast and Furious" Behind Attack on Holder

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 WASHINGTON – Congressional Republican attacks on U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, says Wisconsin Congresswoman Gwen Moore, may be about more than “Fast and Furious.”  On Thursday the House voted to hold Attorney General Holder in contempt for failing to disclose internal Justice Department documents tied to a House committee investigation into the sting…

Local reaction to Supreme Court"s Arizona ruling

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 By Georgia Pabst  The U. S. Supreme Court's ruling on Arizon's SB 1070 striking down parts of the state's immigration law, but keepng  the most controversial "show me your papers" provision drew a  lot of local reaction Monday. "The court basically said Arizona went too far when it created its own rules around immigration,"…

Republican fairytales and the truth about the •war on women

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 Republicans insist the Democrats’ claim of a “war on women” is simply a fairytale. Yet every week the GOP pushes another anti-woman policy that proves that this fairytale is reality. This week, my Senate GOP colleagues blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act, a bill that would have ensured women earn equal pay for equal work. Sounds simple enough, but not to my…

JP Morgan provides opportunity to reflect on Orderly Liquidation Facility

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 By Rep. Gwen S. Moore (D-Wis.) The news of unexpected losses at JP Morgan should provide renewed support for a Dodd-Frank provision that strikes at the heart of the problem of “too big to fail”. When my Financial Services Committee colleagues and I were debating Wall Street Reform, one of our top priorities was to provide a workable system for allowing…

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