Gwen Moore: GOP victim of its own success

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  By Tom Kertscher   U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee) said Thursday, in the wake of a deal to end a government shutdown, that the Republican Party "was a victim of their own success." "What did it feel like (for Congress) to be stuck?" she was asked on WUWM-FM (89.7) in Milwaukee. Moore replied: "I have felt stuck at times…

Moore Says She Knew Reasonable House Members Would Prevail

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  By Marge Pitrof  Wisconsin Congresswoman Gwen Moore says she’s relieved the House and Senate are pulling the country back from the financial cliff. Leaders on Wednesday agreed to reopen the government at least until mid-January and raise borrowing into February. Moore says the political stalemate has been frustrating, yet she thought it would end the way…

Obamacare meeting held in Milwaukee

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  By John Cuoco MILWAUKEE- Dozens of people gathered at the Washington Park Senior Center Tuesday evening for a public meeting about the Affordable Care Act. Congresswoman Gwen Moore's staff hosted the event and invited a number of professionals to answer questions relating to the new health care law. Moore was unable to attend the meeting because of the…

GOP Government Shutdown -- Risking our Housing Recovery

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 By Gwen Moore   For 15 days, Republican leadership has threatened the sustainability of the Women, Infants and Children nutrition program, Head Start, government-backed small business loans and many other essential programs. While we wait for Speaker Boehner to take the reins from the Tea Party, Americans and their economic security are suffering. We know the federal…

Black Health Coalition of Wisconsin celebrates its 25th Anniversary Event - included an Affordable Care Act Community Forum & Awards Program

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   Black Health Coalition of Wisconsin (BHCW) reached an important milestone in the organizations history with the achievement of its 25th anniversary. The organization was incorporated on October 8, 1988. A community celebration was held with a capacity crowd October 3rd at the BHCW’s location, 3020 W. Vliet Street. Since its inception, BHCW has served as…

Death benefits restored for family of fallen Marine

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  By Michele Fiore  MILWAUKEE - The U.S. government may be shutdown, but some people are taking the situation into their own hands. One example is a non-profit, hoping to raise money for families who have been denied death benefits.   Marine Lance Corporal Jeremiah Collins, from Milwaukee, died over the weekend in Afghanistan.  People all over the U.S.…

Opposition to Obamacare has its limits

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  By Bill Lueders   No one is more opposed to the Affordable Care Act — a.k.a. Obamacare — than the Republican members of Wisconsin’s congressional delegation. The state’s five GOP reps — Paul Ryan, James Sensenbrenner, Tom Petri, Sean Duffy and Reid Ribble — have repeatedly voted to repeal the landmark bill. All joined the…

WI lawmakers back home this weekend as govt shutdown continues

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 By Jenna Sachs NEW BERLIN (WITI) — A couple Wisconsin lawmakers were home this weekend — and spoke out on the ongoing government shutdown. As of Sunday, October 6th, we were in Day Six of the shutdown, and party gridlock seems tighter than ever. Both Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner and Congresswoman Gwen Moore were back in Wisconsin after the possibility of…

Democrats to Boehner: •Get over it

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  By Traci G. Lee  Democratic leaders on Friday stood side-by-side with Americans affected by the government shutdown to send one message to House Speaker John Boehner: Let the House vote. Democratic senators asked Boehner and the House Republicans’ to once again put the Senate’s clean “CR,” bill, or continuing resolution to fund the…

Lawmakers react to shooting on Capitol Hill

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 By Aaron Blake Lawmakers were quick to react on Twitter to reports of shots fired on Capitol Hill, with many of them assuring that their staff was safe and accounted for.Here's a sampling of their tweets, in chronological order:  Claire McCaskill        @clairecmcShots fired outside the Capitol. We are in temporary lock down. Jared Polis…

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