Moore Says She Knew Reasonable House Members Would Prevail

By Marge Pitrof
Wisconsin Congresswoman Gwen Moore says she’s relieved the House and Senate are pulling the country back from the financial cliff.
Leaders on Wednesday agreed to reopen the government at least until mid-January and raise borrowing into February. Moore says the political stalemate has been frustrating, yet she thought it would end the way it did.
"There were always encouraging signs that there was really a crack in the Republican conference, that the more reasonable members would ultimately figure out some way to break away from the 40 or so members who were insisting on stopping the Affordable Care Act," Moore says.
Moore says she believes the GOP became the victim of its own success following the last redistricting, where the party won super-majorities in many districts, and according to the Congresswoman, "elected people who were true believers that not only should they have limited government, but that there should be little or no government." Moore says the result has been extremism and political polarization.
The Congresswoman says she's convinced the stalemate by some Republican members of the House was to undermine President Obama and his effort to provide health care for 35 million Americans who have no coverage. "He has taken a lot on his shoulders and I think history will treat him well," Moore says.
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