Gwen Moore "Educates" Ted Cruz

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  By Michael Horne  Rep. Gwen Moore spent the penultimate day of 2013 in her district talking to residents of St. John’s on the Lake, the Episcopalian home at 1840 N. Prospect Ave. She was introduced to the 60 or so in the audience by Gene Gilbert, a resident who has brought a new level of political involvement to the home since moving there a year or so…

2013: A year of sweeping change in the United States for LGBT Americans

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  By Lisa Neff   One sun. One light. One ground. One sky. After a bruising, blistering election season, Richard Blanco helped to usher in a new year with those words in his inaugural poem, "One Today," and in his renewed optimism and hope for one country.  "One sun rose on us today, kindled over our shores, peeking over the Smokies,…

Americas Jump From Economic Crisis to Retirement Crisis

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  By Max Richtman  Over and over again, America's seniors are being told they must foot the bill for fiscal failures which have already left them facing a weakened and tenuous retirement. In Detroit, a bankruptcy judge has ruled the city can cut pension payments to thousands of retirees, despite a state law stating otherwise. In Washington, the latest Congressional…

Ten Womens Health Heroes Who Inspired Us In 2013

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 By Tara Culp-Ressler  This past year included an overwhelming number of attacks on reproductive health and freedom, including some of the harshest abortion bans this country has seen since Roe v. Wade. However — despite the persistent attempts to silence, shame, and police women and their bodies — there is one positive benefit resulting from the ongoing…

Lawmaker on African trip: Cruz was on the spot

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  By Peter Sullivan  Many members of the Congressional Black Caucus were curious why Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) decided to join them on a 20-hour flight to South Africa, but Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) said today that she thinks the time together was productive. Cruz was the only senator, and one of two Republicans, to join the 22-member congressional delegation to…


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 Madison Democrat Mark Pocan is the only Wisconsin U-S House member to vote against a federal budget agreement that overwhelmingly passed yesterday. The 332-to-94 vote was a huge victory for Janesville Republican Paul Ryan. The House budget chair and his Democratic Senate counterpart crafted the two-year package. It raises the federal deficit by smaller amounts than planned, and…

House passes budget agreement

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  By Michael Bischoff  WASHINGTON, DC – The bi-partisan federal budget agreement now moves on to the Senate. The House or Representatives overwhelmingly passed the agreement by a vote of 332-94. If passed, it would stave off the threat of government shutdowns for two years. Members from both sides of the aisle said the agreement was far from perfect,…

What Ted Cruz Talked About at 10,000 Feet

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  By Warren Rojas  Before he could make the late Nelson Mandela’s media-mobbed memorial service all about him by very publicly storming out (take that, Cuban President Raul Castro!), Sen. Ted Cruz had to get to South Africa. His ticket to ride included a lengthy trans-Atlantic jaunt during which several members of the Congressional Black Caucus bent the…

Flashback 2013: A year of sweeping change in the United States for LGBT Americans

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Tags: LGBT

  By Lisa Neff  One sun. One light. One ground. One sky. After a bruising, blistering election season, Richard Blanco helped to usher in a new year with those words in his inaugural poem, “One Today,” and in his renewed optimism and hope for one country.One sun rose on us today, kindled over our shores, peeking over the Smokies, greeting the faces of the…

Pocan only member of House delegation to vote against budget deal

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  U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan said members of Congress "have to do better" than the compromise budget package unveiled earlier this week, saying "just because Congress has a deal does not mean Congress has done its job."  Pocan, D-Madison, was the lone member of Wisconsin's House delegation to vote against the proposal, which passed by a 332-94 margin.…

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