House passes budget agreement

By Michael Bischoff
WASHINGTON, DC – The bi-partisan federal budget agreement now moves on to the Senate.
The House or Representatives overwhelmingly passed the agreement by a vote of 332-94. If passed, it would stave off the threat of government shutdowns for two years.
Members from both sides of the aisle said the agreement was far from perfect, but supporters say the deal represents common ground that's been absent in the budget battles of late.
“That's how works in divided government, compromise,” said Rep. Paul Ryan, one of the authors of the agreement.
“[With] divided government [you] don't get everything you want. But I think this bill is a firm step in the right direction.”
In a statement, 4th District Rep. Gwen Moore said the deal “marked a small but positive step towards breaking this pattern” of legislating from crisis-to-crisis.
The Senate is expected to pass the budget next week.
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