Paul Ryan Meets With Congressional Black Caucus After Poverty Comments

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  By Bridget Bowman  Members of the Congressional Black Caucus reported mixed reactions Wednesday to their meeting with Rep. Paul D. Ryan over comments the Wisconsin Republican made regarding poverty in inner cities that some in the CBC considered “highly offensive.” CBC Chairwoman Marcia L. Fudge, D-Ohio, told reporters after the meeting that the two…

Paul Ryan to meet with Congressional Black Caucus after race flap

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  By Benjy Sarlin Congressman Paul Ryan will meet with members of the Congressional Black Caucus on Wednesday to clear the air after comments he made about how the culture of “inner cities” helps explain persistent poverty. “Congressman Ryan is a nice guy, and as such you know he has tried to frame the comments that he made about inner city folk as…

Ryan tries to clear air with Black Caucus, but poverty divide remains

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  By Deirdre Walsh  (CNN) -- It was a much-anticipated summit between Rep. Paul Ryan and the Congressional Black Caucus. More than a month after the Wisconsin Republican ignited an angry backlash over comments that many viewed as racially insensitive, the House Budget Committee chairman sat down with members of the group to clear the air. But Wednesday's…

Ryan, CBC •agree to disagree on poverty

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  By Mike Lillis and Erik Wasson  Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and black Democrats emerged Wednesday from a much-anticipated meeting on reducing poverty with a similar frustrated message: We still don't agree on solutions. The closed-door gathering was designed to locate common ground between members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), who want to tackle…

Ryan to Explain Plans to Fight Poverty, Inner City Comments with Congressional Black Caucus

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  By Marge Pitrof  Caucus members, including WI Rep. Gwen Moore, want to challenge Rep. Paul Ryan for questioning the work ethic of men living in inner cities and for his plan scaling back anti-poverty programs. Congressman Ryan made his comment about inner city men, on Bill Bennett’s radio program. Ryan had been talking about his plan to move people out of…

Paul Ryan, CBC discuss anti-poverty efforts

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  By Susan Davis  House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., made good on his promise Wednesday to meet with the Congressional Black Caucus to clear the air over recent “inarticulate” comments he made in his latest effort to combat poverty. “The first step to real reform is a frank conversation. We need to figure out what works; we need…

SECs White Pleads for Advisor Exam Funds; Rep. Waters •Pushing Hard for User Fees Bill

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  Bachus urges White to keep advisor exams ‘a priority’ and says that ‘all of us will work together to resolve this’ As Securities and Exchange Commission Chairwoman Mary Jo White gave lawmakers on Tuesday stark statistics about the limited number of examiners the agency has to oversee advisors, Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., said that she was…


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  Written by Charles D. Ellison  Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan’s budget passed more than two weeks ago, but Beltway pundits and lawmakers are wrangling as if it’s still on the House floor. That 219 Republicans voted for it on April 10only cemented the budget as a non-starter in a Democratic-held Senate - which wasn’t planning on passing a budget…

Rep. Moore: Paul Ryan wants to talk poverty

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   By Laura Barron-Lopez  Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) said she expects to have a meaningful conversation with fellow Wisconsin lawmaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R) on the issue of poverty during his meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus this week. "He has seemed to be interested in having a conversation about ending poverty, and we certainly agree on…

Paul Ryan to meet with Congressional Black Caucus about inner city remarks

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  By Steven Elbow  Still in damage-control mode from what critics call veiled racial comments about poverty, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Janesville, is set to meet next week with the Congressional Black Caucus. "The closed-door meeting has been in the works since last month, when Ryan stirred controversy by saying poverty is caused largely by a 'tailspin of…

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