Paul Ryan, CBC discuss anti-poverty efforts

By Susan Davis
House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., made good on his promise Wednesday to meet with the Congressional Black Caucus to clear the air over recent “inarticulate” comments he made in his latest effort to combat poverty.
“The first step to real reform is a frank conversation. We need to figure out what works; we need to learn from people who are fighting poverty on the front lines,” Ryan said in a statement following the private meeting. “And that conversation must go both ways. Simply defending the status quo or demanding more of the same is not an answer.”
Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., told reporters that he would like Ryan to use his perch as chairman to hold public hearings on proposals to combat poverty. “If you’re really serious about having a discussion on poverty, let’s have it out transparently, let’s have it out in the open,” he said.
A spokesman for Ryan noted that the chairman has held at least three Budget panel hearings related to poverty, including one Wednesday.
Clyburn said Ryan did not directly address comments he made in March on a radio show that many CBC members found offensive, and that Ryan did not apologize but “nobody asked him to,”  Clyburn said.
“He opened a door that’s not going to be closed anymore,” said Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Wis., but she acknowledged that Ryan is unlikely to find many partners in the CBC if his anti-poverty proposals are in line with his budgets, which include dramatic spending reductions to social programs.
“That’s just a little bit tougher nut to crack,” she said.
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