Baby boomer, Gen X women fear not having enough retirement savings

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  Congresswoman encourages growth in number of female financial advisers  By Mark Schoeff Jr. Most female baby boomers and Generation Xers fear they will not have sufficient money for retirement, a situation that's creating an opportunity for financial advisers, according to a report released Wednesday by the Insured Retirement Institute. More than two…

CQ Politics in America Profile

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  By CQ Roll Call  Rep. Gwen Moore (D–Wis.)  Moore is an unfailing advocate for the poor and the programs meant to assist them. She’s also intrigued by the financial services sector, calling it the next frontier in civil rights. But her work includes bipartisan attempts to tweak the marketplaces and products that companies and investors rely…

Congressional Black Caucus plots path forward

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  By Lauren French  For members of the Congressional Black Caucus, these are tough days. The Supreme Court upended two major civil rights laws in recent years, striking down key provisions of the Voting Rights Act and upholding Michigan’s ban on affirmative action. The CBC’s agenda is gaining little traction on Capitol Hill, where Republican…

Voces de la Frontera: U.S. Senator Baldwin and Congresswoman Moore demand end to immigration raids in Wisconsin courthouses

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   Contact: Joe Shansky, Voces de la Frontera 414.795.3380 /  Senator Tammy Baldwin: "No one should fear going to a courthouse." After thousands of May Day marchers rallied at the Milwaukee County Courthouse yesterday to condemn federal immigration detentions at local courts across the state and country, head legislators are…

Gwen Moore cautiously optimistic about meeting with Paul Ryan

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  By Jack Craver After sparking a flurry of controversy in March with remarks that suggested that poverty in America’s inner-cities was due in part to people who lacked an appreciation for work, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Janesville, has made a point of conveying interest and compassion for the country’s poor, particularly in minority communities. As part of…

On Trial: Lyndon Johnsons Anti-Poverty Program

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  By Pema Levy  Should we keep anti-poverty programs? Or should we cut them? That was the underlying question at a contentious event Wednesday that pitted Republicans’ belief that the government’s effort to help the poor are hurting them against Democrats defending the worth of federal anti-poverty programs. Representative Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin,…

In Meeting With Paul Ryan, the CBC Was Killing It Softly

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  A highly anticipated session between black lawmakers and the conservative Republican was not the fiery confrontation some expected.  By Charles D. Ellison If conservative bean counter and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) was expecting a packed roomful of angry black members of Congress, he got a rude awakening.They were actually mad nice about…

Paul Ryan meets with the Congressional Black Caucus to make amends

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  By Rebecca Kaplan  A meeting between Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Wednesday has helped reduce tensions but seems to have done little to reconcile different views on how to best fight poverty. The House Budget Committee chairman was invited to attend one of the meetings after he made comments about a "tailspin of culture…

CBC Reps Discuss Meeting With Paul Ryan and Army Natural Hair Ban

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  By NewsOne Now  Congresswomen Sheila Jackson Lee and Gwen Moore are two of 17 women in the Congressional Black Caucus. When news broke recently that the Pentagon was tightening restrictions on hairstyles for female soldiers, most pertaining to natural styles worn commonly by black women, the representatives stepped up and have asked military officials to rethink…

After Offensive Comments, Paul Ryan Will Let Black Lawmakers School Him on Poverty

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  By Erika Eichelberger  On Wednesday afternoon, anti-safety-net crusader Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) met with members of the Congressional Black Caucus in an attempt to make amends after he said on a radio show last month that urban poverty is caused by the lack of a work ethic in inner cities. At the meeting, Ryan admitted he didn't "know everything about…

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