What do we want? $15! Low-wage workers rally in Milwaukee and across the country

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 By Katie DeLong and CNN Wire ServiceNEW YORK (CNNMoney)— Low-wage workers across the country kicked off a national day of protest Wednesday, April 15th — demanding $15 an hour. In Milwaukee, a rally was held Wednesday afternoon at Red Arrow Park in downtown Milwaukee.Besides fast food workers, members of the Coalition for Justice participated in the rally. The Coalition…

Op-Ed: Women and Childrens Nutrition: Americas Best Investment

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 By Gwen Moore and John ConyersThis month marks the 45th anniversary of the Supreme Court case Goldberg v. Kelly, which held that some public benefits are so essential to human survival that they cannot be legally terminated without a formal notice and a hearing. This month also marks the start of Congress' annual appropriations season, the time when Members of Congress…

Gwen Moore, sitting out Netanyahu speech, calls it campaign stunt

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By Craig GilbertWashington  -- A spokesman for U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore of Milwaukee called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress on Tuesday a “campaign stunt” and a sign of disrespect toward President Barack Obama, saying the congresswoman “wants no part of it.”Moore is among more than 50 Democrats in the House and Senate who…

Op-Ed: Wisconsin still the Selma of the North

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By Gwen MooreOn Saturday, my fellow members of the Congressional Black Caucus and I will travel to Selma, Ala., to commemorate the anniversary of Bloody Sunday. On that day 50 years ago, about 600 men, women and children attempted to march from Selma to Alabama's capital, Montgomery, in a peaceful protest of the flagrant disenfranchisement of African-American voters. The march ended…

Wis. Voter ID Law To Take National Spotlight

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MILWAUKEE, Wis. —Wisconsin's controversial new voter identification law will be in the national spotlight this weekend.The "Own Your Vote" march and rally will take place Saturday in Milwaukee, and it will be linked to the commemoration of a famous voting rights march that happened more than 40 years ago.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led a voting rights march from Selma…

Democrats lodge U.S. Export-Import Bank survival plan

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By Krista HughesDemocratic lawmakers will unveil a plan on Wednesday to keep the U.S. Export-Import Bank open for another seven years and expand its lending as a clash over the bank's future intensifies.Legislation backed by Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer and colleagues Maxine Waters, Gwen Moore and Denny Heck would reauthorize Ex-Im, which provides support for U.S. exporters and the…

Dems push seven-year Ex-Im bill

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By Kevin CirilliHouse Democrats unveiled a bill on Wednesday that would reauthorize the Export-Import Bank for seven years.Democratic Reps. Maxine Waters (Calif.), Gwen Moore (Wis.), Denny Heck (Wash.) and Steny Hoyer (Md.), who is the House minority whip.A Democratic aide working on the bill said that they have received commitments from more than 50 Democratic members to…

Dems maneuver for Ex-Im vote

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By Kevin CirilliThree Democrats on the House Financial Services Committee moved Thursday to force the panel to consider reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank, according to a copy of an amendment first obtained by The Hill.?Reps. Gwen Moore (Wis.), Denny Heck (Wash.) and Maxine Waters (Calif.) offered the amendment in advance of the committee's Friday markup of President Obama's…

Black Lawmakers Urge Supreme Court To Strike Down Wisconsin Voter ID Laws

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By Darren SandsWASHINGTON –– The Congressional Black Caucus on Tuesday submitted an amicus brief in the Wisconsin voter I.D. case, BuzzFeed News has learned.The primary question before the Supreme Court is whether Wisconsin’s voter I.D. law, touted in recent speeches by Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a presidential hopeful, violates the Constitutional guarantee of equal…

A new hope for children bought and sold for sex

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By Yasmin Vafa and Teresa HuizarAdele was born to a drug-addicted mother. She spent her childhood bouncing from foster home to foster home where she endured repeated physical and sexual abuse. At age 14 she was placed with her biological father.  Soon after, he and his friends began to sexually abuse Adele. So she ran away – from continuous abuse at the hands of those who were…

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