Congresswoman Gwen Moore Spearheads Bipartisan Effort to Increase Funding in FY 2023 for Homeless Assistance Programs

Congresswoman Gwen Moore Spearheads Bipartisan Effort to Increase Funding in FY 2023 for Homeless Assistance Programs

Congresswoman Moore and Congressman John Katko (R-NY) led 148 of their colleagues in a bipartisan letter to the Appropriations Committee calling for $3.6 billion in funding in FY 22 for the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants (HAG) program.

“I am proud that Milwaukee County is a national leader in addressing homelessness, but I know that work still lies ahead for the county, city, and country. Too many families, individuals, and young people are struggling to keep a roof over their heads which is why federal investments, such as in the McKinney-Vento programs, continue to be vital. 

Before the pandemic, many people faced housing insecurity, and these struggles have only worsened for many. McKinney-Vento programs provide comprehensive care and outreach that helps people get back on their feet, including job training and health care and access to stable housing. I join my colleagues to push to ensure that we adequately fund this program and reaffirm its potential to have a transformative impact on our communities and bring us closer to our shared goal of ending homelessness once and for all.”

Read the full text of the letter here.

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