Congresswoman Gwen Moore Statement on Select Committee’s Milwaukee Field Hearing and Bus Tour

Congresswoman Gwen Moore Statement on Select Committee’s Milwaukee Field Hearing and Bus Tour

Today, the Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth held a field hearing and bus tour in Milwaukee to discuss housing inequities and economic disparities and see neighborhoods firsthand. Congresswoman Moore released the following statement:

“The Select Committee’s visit to Milwaukee is one I have advocated for, which is why I was so thrilled to welcome my colleagues to our community.

I am proud to be from Wisconsin, where the Wisconsin Idea created a framework for policies and government centered on the needs of ordinary people and advanced many reforms. We led the nation on many progressive fronts, such as the fight for the forty-hour workweek and was the birthplace of America’s first kindergarten.

Now, there are systemic inequities that have brought national attention to Milwaukee, Wisconsin which were chronicled in Matthew Desmond’s book, ‘Evicted.’ His book tells a story of Milwaukee residents, who are struggling with poverty and circumstances that can be traced back to decades of policies and decisions. That’s why I wanted to join this Select Committee, because of the opportunities it would provide me to highlight the long-standing inequities in housing facing our communities and to discuss solutions.

Over the years, our residents have had to adapt to a changing economy, as manufacturing jobs which once provided a steady income and a pathway to the middle-class have declined. For my constituents, these challenges are often compounded by historic injustices such as housing discrimination and redlining, and in more recent times, eviction practices and predatory subprime mortgages. Ensuring access to economic opportunities, affordable housing, and homeownership for all are vital issues in Milwaukee and across the country, which is why I wanted this hearing to dissect and gain insights into these challenges. I appreciated to opportunity to learn from incredible witnesses and constituents who shared their knowledge of programs and policies that are transforming the lives of residents and how much more work we need to do to truly help all. 

I was also excited to participate in today’s bus tour, where my colleagues could see the real-life housing challenges (and solutions) affecting my constituents.

I am looking forward to continuing this crucial dialogue and using these experiences to foster legislative solutions that expand more equitable access to affordable housing, homeownership, and opportunities for wealth-building.”

You can watch the entire field hearing here.

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