Congresswoman Gwen Moore Supports Introduction of the Social Security 2100 Act

Congresswoman Gwen Moore Supports Introduction of the Social Security 2100 Act

Congresswoman Moore released the following statement:

"Social Security is essential for millions of seniors and individuals with disabilities, and Chair Larson's Social Security 2100 Act only improves its life changing benefits. I am honored that this legislation includes my proposal to renew student benefits of retired, deceased, or disabled workers, a proven way to better encourage young adults to pursue higher education and support students of color and low-income families with parents working higher-risk, blue-collar jobs, and women. 

“I am also thrilled that Chair Larson’s comprehensive legislation includes another proposal I’ve been championing: an benefit increase for the oldest old, those who have been receiving benefits for 20 years or more. This will be especially meaningful for people who live beyond the age of 85, who are even more likely to be financially vulnerable, even with Social Security.

“I have long championed expanding the definition of work to include caregiving, which is why I am pleased that this bill recognizes that caring for a child is work. With the Social Security 2100 Act, we can tackle poverty, better support low-income workers, women and children and build upon our commitment to ensure that Americans can retire and age with dignity."

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