Gwen Moore Opposes 20-Week Abortion Ban

A woman's health care decisions are between a woman and her doctor, not a woman and politicians.
Staci Cox 
(202) 225- 4572
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) opposed H.R. 1797, the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act that would prohibit abortions after 20 weeks of gestation. She released this statement:  
“This bill is not about the health of a fetus, but about denying a woman the ability to determine her own health choices. This bill is a direct assault on the reproductive rights of women.  
“Again and again, we see Congress removing women’s autonomy over their own bodies. One of the most troubling aspects of this attack is that it is fueled by men. A woman’s health care decisions are between a woman and her doctor, not a woman and politicians. 
“After public outcry, Republicans allowed for an exemption to their bill for rape and incest but only for those who have reported these crimes to law enforcement. This narrow exception is inexcusable and victimizes survivors of sexual abuse. Moreover, this bill aims to partially nullify the constitutionality of Roe v Wade. 
“At its core, H.R. 1797 gives men the ability to invade the private medical decisions of women and denies women the dignity and respect they deserve. I am vehemently opposed to this bill and am deeply disappointed that my Republican colleagues stood behind their party lines to pass it.”  
Click here to watch Rep. Moore speak out against H.R. 1797 on the House floor. 
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