Gwen Moore Opposes Working Families Flexibility Act

This legislation, introduced with a charming title, could have a potentially devastating impact on working women and families.


Staci Cox 
(202) 225- 4572
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) opposed the so-called Working Families Flexibility Act. The bill passed the House of Representatives with a vote of 223 to 204. 
“Once again, I find myself riding an endless political merry-go-round operated by House Republicans. This bill is just the latest manufactured means to putting the economic security of working Americans at risk.
“The Working Families Flexibility Act would allow employers to schedule their workers for overtime hours without having to provide them with overtime pay. Instead, employers would promise their workers future compensatory time. However, given that this ‘comp time’ could only be used at the employer’s discretion, those days off may never materialize.
“This legislation, introduced with a charming title, could have a potentially devastating impact on working women and families. House Republicans are proudly claiming this legislation will give employees the flexibility they need to manage their work schedules and time off. These supporters particularly note the ‘benefits’ for working women included in this bill. Perhaps in this mythical world, many employees don’t mind having less income, no real flexibility and longer work schedules. Unfortunately, this Republican reality does not coincide with actual reality. In practice, this bill would mean more work and less pay for working mothers and families. 
“In our recovering economy, the last thing that American families need is reduced pay and less control over their work hours. As Members of Congress, it is our obligation to do all we can to improve the economic security of our constituents. It’s way past time my colleagues on the other side of the aisle followed suit.”   
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