House Votes to Reauthorize Export-Import Bank

Today's House vote to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank is a major victory for American workers. This important bipartisan vote signifies that both Republicans and Democrats understand the value this vital federal agency adds to our collective effort to bolster and grow our economy. I'd like to thank my Republican colleagues who broke with the extreme wing of their party and joined us to pass this critical legislation.


Washington, D.C. – In response to the passage of H.R. 597, To Reauthorize the Export-Import Bank of the United States, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) released the following statement:

“Today’s House vote to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank is a major victory for American workers. This important bipartisan vote signifies that both Republicans and Democrats understand the value this vital federal agency adds to our collective effort to bolster and grow our economy. I’d like to thank my Republican colleagues who broke with the extreme wing of their party and joined us to pass this critical legislation.

“For 70 years, the Bank has supported American exports and kept them competitive abroad. Last year, 90 percent of the Bank’s transactions went to small businesses. Since 2007, this vital financial institution has helped 224 businesses in my home state of Wisconsin – including 135 small businesses – export $5 billion worth of goods and products made in the Badger State.

“I am proud to have helped lead efforts in the House to reauthorize this essential financial institution. Since the Bank lapsed in June, thousands of American jobs have been needlessly lost. I call on my colleagues in the Senate to follow our lead and send this bill to President Obama’s desk for his signature.”


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